The Escape

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                 I thought of my plan over and over until I decided that it was my best choice. Once I was for sure that he was asleep, I would try and get up. If he woke up, I would hit him in the face and hurt him so that I could escape. I was scared that he would get me and my plan wouldn't work but I needed to try something. I couldn't just lay there acting like this was normal. I had no opportunity to escape underground but this is different. It was my only chance of escaping. It had to be around three in the morning but I was confident that Kyle was asleep. I glanced down to see his hands still around my waist.

                  Slowly, I grabbed onto his hands and removed them from my body. My hands were trembling and I hadn't realized that I wasn't breathing until I had set his hands down on the bed next to me. That was the hard part and he was still sleeping, I was almost there. I counted to three before I sat up. My heart was pounding inside my chest. Please don't let him wake up. I put one foot on the ground and then glanced over at Kyle who was still soundlessly asleep. I took that as a sign to place my other foot on the ground until I was standing up from the bed. So much for Kyle holding me to make sure I didn't escape.

               Contemplating whether or not I should move, I stood motionless. All it took was one little sound to ruin everything. Standing on my tiptoes, I stepped forward. No noise. Slightly paranoid, I looked back at Kyle to see him unaware of what I was doing. Not wanting to waste any more time, I quickly walked to the door walking soundlessly on the hardwood floor. The metal of the doorknob was cold to the touch. I started to turn the knob so slowly that I wasn't even sure if I was really turning it. Little by little, I opened the door as a quiet creak echoed the room. Sweat started to run down my face as I whipped around to look at Kyle. Thankfully, he was still sleeping.

              I needed the element of surprise when escaping. He couldn't know and when he found out, hopefully, I will be with the police leading them back here to save Brooke. Part of me felt guilty leaving her with Marcus, but there was no way we both could escape. I needed to go and get her help. I didn't bother shutting the door, not wanting to waste valuable time that I needed.

                 One by one, I made my way down the old stairs fearing that they would make noise and wake up one of the men. On the last step, I heard the loud creaking noise as I stepped down from it. I closed my eyes, fearing that someone heard me but no one came. I headed to the front door but as my hand came in contact with the metal a pulsating electric shock ran through my body.

             "Ow." I cried out, tears filling in my eyes as the smell of burning flesh filled the air.

                  I shook my hand to stop the hurting but then I heard a noise come from upstairs. I knew it was one of the men waking up, realizing that I was gone. My hand was throbbing as the burn started to sink in more. I couldn't let that slow me down. Kyle would be down soon and I needed to be gone when that happened. Heading away from the front door, I headed towards the back of the house, praying that back door wasn't rigged like the other door. Marcus must have been the one to do that since I was with Kyle all night.

                 I was running out of time. The back door was in my view but I hesitated before opening it. I didn't want to be shocked again but I had a feeling it would be rigged as well. Not caring about the consequences, I needed to try and open it. It took everything I had not to cry out when the door shocked me like the front door. I glanced down at the same damaged hand to see it was bright red and blistering starting to take effect. I knew that meant I had a second-degree burn since it was blistering. Footsteps started to walk around upstairs and I knew my time was up. I ran to the closest window and yanked on it, ignoring the stinging of my hand. A tear ran down my face when the window wouldn't open. Why was this happening to me?

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