The Follower

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             I waited for my dad to finish talking, which I swear is longer and longer every time. I love the man, but he can talk with Kyle or any police officer for hours and hours if he could. Kyle and my dad were standing outside the front doors, still talking. I glared at my dad, showing me that I wanted to go home, hoping he could get the hint. Thankfully, my dad said his goodbyes and go into the car.

         "It's about time." I grumbled.

          "Yeah, yeah, whatever I like talking to my friend, is that a crime?" My dad asked starting the car.

          "When I have to wait in the car for fifteen minutes it is." I replied, smiling.

           "You're being dramatic." He chuckled. "Kyle says you're doing great." He added on.

             "I guess. Anything new about your case while we were training?" I asked, hopeful that there was some type of lead.

             "Nope. Nothing at all." He said frowning.

             We drove home in silence and I was happy that we were home because I was hungry and tired, not a good combination. My mom wasn't home to cook dinner so I made myself a sandwich for dinner. Meal of a champion, right? I wondered if my mom would come home at all tonight or if she really got a hotel. I went upstairs and watched TV. It was about nine when I heard my mom come in. I smiled, hoping she wouldn't stay at a hotel and decide to stay here tonight. My smile faded when I heard the fighting.

            I couldn't drown out their yelling, which made me sick to my stomach. I was surprised that they didn't lose their voices. I needed to get out. I walked downstairs and the yelling got louder and louder. They were in the kitchen fighting, so I snuck out through the living room and went outside. It was dark outside but I didn't care. I needed some peace and quiet. I just needed a walk so I could cool down and try to forget my parents.

             As I walked away from my house, I began to cry. I rarely cried, but this was getting emotionally draining. I couldn't get their voices out of my head. This was an everyday occurrence and it was exhausting. Why couldn't they just get along? If they were so unhappy, why stay together? Don't get me wrong, I love them both but I'd rather them be happy than miserable when they are together.

            I walked passed Ethan house and noticed that he jogged up to me, a worried look on his face. This was the last thing I needed, Ethan seeing me crying. Part of me wanted my parents to get a divorce, but then things would get complicated and I loved both of my parents so much. Why was this so complicated?

            "Kelly, can you come here for a minute." He said grabbing my arm and walking us back to his front porch.

            "What?" I asked, curious to why he brought me back to his porch and looked a bit pale.

              "Don't look but I think that guy two houses away was following you." He said.

               I held back every emotion that I was feeling, giving off an emotionless face. I no longer cared about the fighting at my house, but more about someone following me. I tried to put on a brave face, not showing the real fear building up inside of me. My heart was racing uncontrollably, and my tears no longer fell from my eyes. Was someone really following me?

            "Are you sure?" I asked wiping my previous tears away.

             "His car has been there since five. I have been sitting out here to get some air and to do my homework since then and noticed the car. He just sat there in front of your house since then and just got out of the car when you came out. He got on the same sidewalk as you and was getting closer." He said looking over to the guy, which was probably by his car now. I didn't want to look so I stared at Ethan, not turning around.

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