A Somewhat Normal Day

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              Ethan and I started to walk to the bus stop after we were done talking with my dad about what happened last night. Ethan had told my dad about the car and anything he could think of about the man that was following me. My dad had insisted on walking me to the bus stop but I told him Ethan was with me. Every day I spend with him, I feel us getting closer. Before we left for school, my dad had gotten a call from work, saying there may be a body from the kidnapper.

              As we walked to the bus stop, we made small talk trying to not think about everything that was going on. Honestly, I needed someone to take my mind off of the kidnapper, which Ethan was really good at. Though when it was time to get on the bus, since we sat in different seats I would be forced to think about it.

             The bus came and I was starting to regret coming to school. All I could think about was him being on the bus or at my school now. I didn't actually believe the man would be on my bus but there was always that chance. This man could be anyone and I'd never know it. I took several deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I'd be safe at school.

             Ethan sat down behind me and said, "Are you okay?"

             I nodded and he didn't talk to me the rest of the ride to school. We walked together and I said as we separated, "I'll see you in gym." He smiled and I headed to class. I had an exam that I had forgotten about in science. I was probably going to fail it. I got my test and stared at it deeply. I started to fill in answers and it was somewhat hard but also kind of easy. The period was almost over by the time I got done.

           We were watching a historical video in world studies so I didn't really have to do anything. I went to English after and we had a substitute teacher so we just got a bunch of papers to work on. They were pretty easy though. Next was French class where at least my best friend was. Maddie greeted me in French and I greeted back.

          "I'm riding the bus home with you and staying at your house tonight." She said without really asking.

            That was Maddie all right. She never had to ask to come over, she just did it. We had that kind of relationship. I smiled at her. I'd still ask my dad about her spending the night but he wouldn't care. I knew Maddie wanted to be with me because of what happened. I had texted her last night telling her what happened. She was just as worried as me.

           "Okay." I said and class started.

             We were learning about different foods and drinks in French. I listened and took notes as my teacher talked. I occasionally repeated words that she said too, so I knew how to say them. It was now lunch time. Maddie and I walked and yet again, I wasn't hungry.

          We sat down and I said, "So what are we doing tonight?"

          "We're going to watch movies and eat popcorn all night." She said smiling. That's why I loved her.

              It was now time for gym class and Coach Reed wanted us to stay after for our first track practice today. I had forgotten to tell my dad about it, so I needed to call and ask him. When I was finished calling him, I went outside and watched everyone running except Ethan and me because we had the fastest running times. I was happy I could stay after for track and my dad wasn't becoming too protective. I walked over to Ethan and sat down next to him.

          "Can you stay?" He asked.

          "Yeah, surprisingly." I said laughing.

             We sat in silence as we watched everyone running. I was happy I didn't have to run. I wasn't in the mood right now. After a few minutes, Ethan and I started to talk about random things. I learned that his favorite color is red and he wants to be a doctor when he grows up which surprised me. I had no idea what I wanted to be, which scared me, but I'd figure it out. There were just so many interesting things that I would love to study. How was I supposed to just pick one?

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