The Flight

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                     It seemed like we had been driving forever, which gave me plenty of time to think. Initially, it took at least an hour for the numbness in my head to leave. I slowly regained my ability to think clearly. Witnessing a murder was tragic; when the murder happens to be your father is catastrophic. Looking out the window, I prayed the police would pull up behind us but that never happened. Pain was the only feeling inside me. It was no longer physical pain but emotional. All I wanted to do was bawl my eyes out but I think I cried out all the tears I could back at the house.

                   I feared Kyle even more now and knew it was hopeless to try and escape, let alone fight him, but that could just be my despair talking. Knowing me, if there was an opportunity to escape, I'd try and take it, anything to get away from my parents' murderer. We passed a sign that said, "Welcome to Kansas." We were already out of state and the police we probably still looking around Colorado for us. This was hopeless. I would never be found. That meant I'd have to eventually escape in order to be free.

                 After a few more minutes, we approached an abandoned airport but there was a plane sitting on the runway. We were going to fly somewhere. There was grass covering the runway but you could still see it. There was only one runway, so it must have been a private airport. No one was around and it was totally exclusive.

                "I told you I had a plan." Kyle said to Marcus who was smiling.

                 "Are you sure we should be flying?" Marcus asked.

                 "It's the quickest way to the Bahamas, once we are there, the police can't get us." Kyle said which terrified me.

                 The two men got out of the car and told us to stay. They walked away from the car so that they could talk in private. Brooke started to cry because she knew that we both had the same fate. Neither of us wanted to die. My logic is that if they haven't killed us yet then, most likely, their plan isn't to kill us.

              "Brooke, it's okay." I lied. "We'll escape somehow." I added which was also a lie.

                I knew there was no hope, but Brooke couldn't give up, and neither can I. We can get out of this. I repeated that in my head several times until I actually believed myself. Screw this whole, 'I can't escape' crap. I was going to try and escape every chance I got, not caring about the results. I needed to keep fighting because that's just who I am. If I ever wanted to be free, I'd have to face the consequences of failed attempts.

                  The guys came back and opened our doors, allowing Brooke and me to get out. My eyes were probably still puffy from crying. He backed me up against the car while Brooke and Marcus went to the plane. I was pinned against the car and him. I kept my head down because I didn't want to look at his murdering face. He had killed my parents and many other girls. He sickened me on so many levels and I would do anything to get away from him and escape.

               "It's okay, Kelly, you don't need to cry. Once we are out of the United States, everything will be much better." He said, slowly caressing my cheek.

               A tear fell from my face and then I began to cry because I kept imagining my dad's bloody face that would haunt me forever. Every time I looked into his eyes, I saw my dad. Being this close to him, made me remember how much I hated him. He bent down and kissed my forehead and hugged me tightly which made me cry even more. I thought I wouldn't be able to cry anymore, but I guess everyone is full of surprises.

                 I pushed him back and said, "Please, let me go."

                "I can't do that because I'm all you have left now. You have no mom or dad so I'm the closest thing you have." He said wiping a tear from my cheek.

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