The Search

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                Robbins stared down at the ocean as the helicopter flew over the ocean. She watched as thousands of waves formed and smashed into each other. It seems hard to believe that most of the world is in fact, water. The stench of salt water filled her nose and made her eyes water. All she saw was water, water, and more water. The ocean seemed to go to infinity in every direction right now and felt like land would never come. It would still be several more hours until they even got to the Bahamas and then they would have to figure out where Kyle was in the Bahamas.          

              There were many islands and picking the right one was part of the battle on locating Kyle. She felt so bad for Andrew, who she believed was innocent. Kyle seemed like the guy who would do that to get what he wanted. Robbins hadn't heard from Gary recently which worried her. Would he call again? Was he telling the truth? Where was Kyle even at? Could Gary be helping Kyle? Should Robbins even trust what Gary had to say? At this point, she had to believe he was telling the truth since there were no traces of Kyle anywhere.

              She felt herself start to sweat and become stressed. They couldn't reach the Bahamas soon enough. She then began to think of Kyle's acting all those years. From the time she dated him to the time the girls started to go missing. Everything was an act, he never cared about anyone, not even his so-called best friend, Matt, who he killed. He probably never even liked her when they were dating. He was an act, everything was an act. 

               He seemed so normal, he looked normal, nothing about him gave any indication that he wasn't who he acted as. He seemed like an ordinary guy who an everyday life. She wondered if there were any signs that she missed that could have told her this was happening. Could Robbins have saved Matt and Kelly sooner? She frowned at her unanswered questions that were popping into her mind. She couldn't worry about the what-ifs at the moment, all she needed to do was find Kyle.

               "Have we contacted both of girl's parents yet? I'm sure as soon as we get them, they will want to be with there families." Robbins asked getting her mind away from what she may have been able to do.

               "Um, we have for Brooke but Kelly doesn't really have family to contact. She has an aunt and uncle that we have been trying to reach but the rest of her family is dead." A man answered.

              "Matt was her father. You think she knows?" She asked the man.

              "I'm sure she does. I can't see Kyle keeping that from her." The man replied.

               "Poor girl, she must be in a terrible state. Knowing her father is dead and maybe even her mother. I'm not sure that Kyle would tell her about that unless he had too."

            "Well, hopefully, she will have her aunt and uncle." The man said.

              Robbins nodded hopefully but the truth was that an aunt or uncle wasn't the same as a mom and dad. Kelly wouldn't be the same after this. Robbins had talked to the FBI and they said that they would help track down Kyle. There were many islands in the Bahamas and once Kyle knew that he was being looked for, he would flee. The Colorado police and the FBI searching for Kyle, there was a good chance he would be found. So many emotions were running in Robbins body. She knew that she needed to save Matt's daughter for him because he couldn't. She knew she had to try and save Andrew because he can't help himself. Robbins couldn't even imagine what was running in Kelly's mind and how she was feeling. She couldn't imagine being kidnapped by someone who was so close to her.

             Stopping Robbins thought, the pilot turned and said, "We're here."
 It was night time in the Bahamas which was the best since Kyle wouldn't even see them coming. Robbins smiled at the adventure that was coming up and her adrenaline was pumping already, she could wait for the helicopter to get to the ground. Before she knew it, she was in the local police station of Atlanta, trying to get as much help as possible.

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