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It was early in the morning, around six in the morning. Kyle looked over to see that Kelly's head was resting peacefully on his chest. God, he loved this, he knew she would eventually get used to him. He wasn't sure if she was trying to trick him again but he didn't care at the moment. He wanted to lay in bed all day with her but knew he had to go and get supplies from town. It was better that Kelly was asleep for most of the time that he was gone. He didn't want to hurt her but when she is alone, she tends to get herself in trouble.

He slipped himself out from under Kelly, watching as she readjusted herself to get comfortable. He pulled out a shirt and slid some jeans on before walking out of the room. He was going to lock the door, but remember that there was nowhere Kelly could go. It's not like she could swim anywhere, we were miles and miles away from any other land. Marcus was standing in the kitchen, drinking a large cup of coffee when Kyle appeared.

"Was this too early of a time for us to leave?" Kyle mocked, eyeing Marcus's cup of coffee.

"Nah, I'm fine. Let's just say I didn't much sleep last night." He chuckled.

Kyle knew exactly what he was talking about. Kyle would wait for Kelly to be ready, even if he had to wait years. He'd do anything for her. As for any other girl, Kyle wasn't sure what he would do with them. When he abducted the girls and held them in the basement, he never had sex with them, not because he didn't want to but because he was afraid Kelly would frown upon that. Before he had met Kelly, he wouldn't have thought twice about it, but now he wanted to save a special occasion like that for Kelly. The longer Kelly fought, the harder and harder it was to fight his urges. Marcus would constantly talk about Brooke and things he did to her and would make her do. Some of it disgusted Kyle, but other parts he envied.

The men walked out onto the beach towards the boat. Even though there was no escaping, he was still nervous about leaving Kelly alone. He wanted to get this done as quick as possible. Before he knew it, the men were pulling up to land, ready to get what they needed to avoid land as much as possible. Kyle knew that he was a target and the police were looking. If they found out he was in the Bahamas, then going to land would be even riskier.

Kyle and Marcus walked along the busy streets of Atlantis. Kyle felt his left pocket vibrate and he flipped his disposable phone out and saw that Gary was calling. He was an interesting character but knew whenever he called, answering would be the smartest thing to do. He knew if he failed to answer one time, then Gary would disappear until he wanted to be heard from.

"Hello." Kyle answered.

"I would like to inform you that the Colorado police know you are in the Bahamas and are on there way now. They are probably going to plaster your face everywhere." He said, his voice hinted a sense of amusement.

"How the hell did they find us?" Kyle snapped.

"No idea." Gary replied quickly.

Without another word, Kyle slammed shut his phone in fury, trying to figure out how this happened. He was so careful about everything he did, there was no way that they could have found him that quickly. It would have been at least a week before they could have caught on that he left the country.

"What's wrong?" Marcus asked.

"Gary said the police found us and are coming here. We need to get our supplies and get the hell out of here." Kyle whispered as they walked through the store, grabbing items that they would need.

"I'm telling ya, we can't trust him." Marcus said, frowning.

"I know, I thought I could trust him. He has to be the one that told the police. We were so careful about everything. He was the only one that knew where we were going." Kyle replied.

The men finished getting their supplies that would at least last them a week or so. They would have gotten more, but the constant checking behind them and worrying that the police could show up at any second made shopping hard. The men rushed back to the boat and placed the supplies in the back. Kyle started the engine and was about to pull out when he heard shouting.

"Freeze, don't move! Turn off the engine and step out of the boat." A police officer yelled.

The men looked at the officer, realizing he wasn't from Colorado and was a native to the Bahamas. He was young looking and reminded Kyle of himself when he first became a police officer. The officer held the gun in the air, aiming it at the men but he wasn't close enough to make a direct hit on them. Kyle smiled at Marcus before pressing down on the throttle and zoomed away from the dock, leaving the yelling police officer still aiming his gun but not shooting it. He wasn't able to shoot the men unless a weapon was present.

"Newbie!" Marcus shouted over the roar of the engine.
    They both laughed and smiled together as the officer appeared as a tiny ant. Both men had loaded guns on the boat so the officer was lucky that he was alive right now. Now, it would be confirmed that Kyle was in the area. Leaving the island would be impossible now. He didn't care though, he had what he needed and wasn't scared of being caught. Minutes passed before Marcus spoke.

"You know that Kelly is still playing you, right?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Kyle asked, even though he knew what he was talking about.

"Are you kidding me? She is pretending to like you to get on your good side. There is no way she had a change of heart that quick, especially not after you killed her parents." Marcus said.

"Marcus of course I know, I'm not an idiot. I'm dealing with it and frankly, I can't complain right now. There's no way she can escape so I don't mind that she isn't fighting me all the time." Kyle replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"I kinda like when Brooke fights me though, it makes things more interesting." He smiled as he placed his feet up on the boat's dash.

Kyle knew that Kelly can't beat him so he really didn't care whether or not he had to fight her, he would win either way. He just couldn't wait until she actually gave up and accepted her fate. She was a very stubborn girl so that could be awhile but he didn't care. No one was going to separate them so he had all the time in the world to wait for her. He just wanted to go back to the island to the girls; this is where the vacation and new life began. As long as Gary kept his mouth shut, Kyle would be fine.

This chapter is now edited, please let me know if you see any mistakes :D

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