The Boat Ride

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                 I still couldn't believe that he actually hit me. I was more in shock than in pain at the moment. Sure, it stung terribly but the emotional pain was far worse. I knew Kyle was insane but was he getting worse? He claimed that he loved me and wanted us to be together, yet he hit me. How did that make any sense? How can you hurt someone you love so easily? It was effortless to him as his hand connected with my cheek. 

               I was pushing his buttons and I must have ticked him off too much this time. Would hurting me become a normal thing? Fear surged through my veins as I tried getting out of my restraints. Even if I did get free, we were on an airplane so I had nowhere to go. At least if I got free, I'd be able to defend myself from Kyle if needed. The rope binding my hands to the chair were locked into place, barely moving as I tugged and pulled. I glanced over at Brooke who was calmly staring out the window. I knew she had given up, but I refused to do that.

             "Brooke, can you get out?" I whispered, hoping to spark something in her to fight back.

              She ignored me and continued to stare out the window. I let out a sigh in frustration and then said, "I know you're scared but we have to try. We can't just give up."

                She shot me a glare and said, "If I behave, Marcus won't rape me as often but if I do, he gets really mad and hurts me even more. So if you don't mind, I'm going to try and behave and keep myself alive."

                "If you give up, you will be with that sick monster forever." I stated. 

                  She looked away, refusing to talk or even acknowledge me anymore. Looking outside, the plane started to descend which meant we were landing soon. In one last bit of hope, I struggled against the ropes. Not to my surprise, but it didn't work. I looked down at my wrists to see bloody, red scratches where the rope had rubbed against my delicate skin. I sat helplessly, waiting for Kyle and Marcus to come and get us. As we got closer to the ground, I noticed that we were above the woods inside of an airport. I should have suspected that we wouldn't land at a public airport. Kyle was smart enough to not draw any attention to us as we landed.

             Once the plane touched the ground, quite smoothly might I add, I began to get more nervous to see Kyle again. My leg was shaking in anticipation and I wiggled my fingers, trying to distract myself from what might happen. Several minutes after the plane's engine was turned off, I heard footsteps heading my way. I looked up to see Marcus and Kyle enter causing me to quickly divert my eyes. Marcus walked over to Brooke and greeted her which she replied back to him. Kyle bent down in front of me, drawing my attention away from Brooke.

                 "I'm sorry about earlier. I don't want to hurt you. You know that, right?" He asked.

                 I refused to answer him for two reasons. One is that he was a jerk and I didn't want to speak to him and another reason was that he wouldn't like the answer I gave him. He stood up, realizing I wasn't going to answer him and I was avoiding eye contact. I thought he was going to walk away but he surprised me when he grabbed onto my hips, forcing me to sit straight. He slowly slid his way onto my lap, straddling me. Great, this wasn't what I wanted to happen. At this point, there was nowhere else to look besides him due to the closeness of our bodies. He stroked my cheek softly and then grabbed onto my chin, forcing me to stare into his icy blue eyes.

               "Fine, I know you don't want to hurt me." I said, knowing he wouldn't give up unless I told him that.

              "I knew you'd understand." He smiled.

                He must have been completely delusional to believe that I said was true. Maybe he was just trying to force himself to believe me. Kyle was literally losing his mind. Then he had the nerve to ask me how I was doing. I held back the urge to roll my eyes at his question. It was as if he was trying to mock me. Out of all the things he could ask me, that's what he chooses. I knew being silent would just anger him so I simply said that I was doing fine. Of course, I was a lying, I mean how did he think I felt? I was kidnapped, scared as hell and had seen him kill my dad in front of me a few hours ago. I just wanted to get off this plane and away from Kyle.

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