C3| Willing participant

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Dedicated to @stylishswiftie for your comment! Thank you so much :)




"Well ain't you a pretty one?" the bald stranger hoarsely remarked, using the tip of the knife to lift up a strand of my blonde hair before watching it fall back into place with fascination.

His eyes abruptly flitted back to meet my own and when they did, I unconsciously gulped. At my nervous action, the stranger grinned widely, stepping towards me so his body was practically flush against my own. He tilted his head to the side as he studied me, his warm, foul breath fanning over my face.

"We've been looking for you for a quite some time," he stared at me, obviously enjoying my unease. Without hesitating he held the blade right up against my neck and when it lightly nicked my skin, I gasped.

His grin only widened.

Just as he opened his mouth to taunt me once again, my bedroom door was suddenly ripped from its hinges. In an instant the man dropped the knife from my neck and whipped around to face the intruder, an animalistic growl slipping from his throat when he saw that it was Damien standing by the door.

"I thought I smelt a pest," Damien lividly spat out, his hands balled into tight fists at his sides. He then took one step closer to us both and in turn, the stranger also took a step forward and away from me, accepting Damien's challenge with a cynical chuckle. I eyed my attackers back with caution, acutely aware that at any moment he could whip around and plunge that knife right into my body.

As soon as the terrifying thought crossed my mind, Damien's gaze flickered over to me and his eyes narrowed on my bloodied neck. When he tilted his head slightly to the side -the movement so subtle I didn't think my invader noticed it- I quietly took a step backwards and then I pressed my body against the wall, sidling along it. Eventually I realised that the man was paying me no attention so with one quick burst of energy I ran to Damien, breathing a sigh of relief when he instantly reacted by grabbing my arm so he could tug me behind him.

"Wait for me by the front door. Keep it locked until I come out," Damien ordered and I peeled my eyes from the smirking stranger so I could look at Damien, my heart filled with fear and uncertainty.

Although he never took his eyes off of the attacker, I knew that when his lips quirked upwards he was assuring me he'd be okay. Without wavering, I backed away and did exactly as he instructed. I went to the front door and, even though every cell in my body was screaming at me to stay with him, my heart was telling me he would leave that room unscathed –that I could trust him.

I couldn't see the room from the front door but I could hear the low murmurs of conversation before my ears picked up on the sounds of wild, ferocious growling and crashes. With bated breath, I tightly clutched my bag to my body, desperately willing for it to be Damien who safely walked out of that room.

Without warning, a loud, ominous gunshot rang throughout my apartment followed by a whimper and then complete silence. Before I could register my actions, I bolted towards my room, suddenly fearful for Damien's safety. Just when I had a chance to dash into the now-darkened room, someone grabbed my arm and tugged me to their warm, masculine body. I immediately relaxed, knowing from the familiar comforting scent of pine and smoke that Damien was the one holding me.

"Close your eyes and walk back the way you came, cara mia," Damien softly ordered, gently releasing me from his embrace. I looked up to him with confusion and then I curiously looked through the open doorway into my bedroom. I felt my heart stop and my eyes widen when, even through the darkness, I could see a light grey wolf lying motionless in the middle of my floor –a patch of deep red leaking from its light fur and into the carpet.

Damien and Juliet (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now