C43| Giving up

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Hey there!

Sorry for the crazy, crazy long wait. I don't know if any of you are reading anymore and if you are, you're all probably sighing in frustration because you need to reread the whole thing (seriously, it's been way too long). I totally get if everyone has given up and I totally understand if I'm just talking to myself, but I really wanted to smash a chapter out for those few who may still give this novel a chance.

Man I've really missed D&J. I promise I won't leave you for that long ever again!

I really love you guys and I'm so, so thankful for your continuing support. You're all amazing.

There's no excuse for my absence. All I can say is that I'm sorry and I really hope you all enjoy this extra long chapter! :)

❉ s a r a h ❉



"Ally would've killed Sean if she could've," I murmured, glancing to Damien as he leant against the door. "And that other girl..." I trailed off, remembering the unconscious pretty, young red-head the Hunters had dragged into the room with us after Ally's attack.

"Abigail," Damien acknowledged, his face twisted with thought. "She's our Beta's mate and close friends with Ally. She was their best bet at getting Ally to do what they wanted."

"I can't believe they made her call Xavier and say those horrible things," I sighed and as my eyes fluttered shut, I recalled the spiteful words Issac had forced her to say to her mate. To get him to believe she no longer wanted him.

To break his heart.

"He didn't believe her," Damien quickly replied, looking to me with a small smile. "It takes a lot more than that to break the bond." As he spoke, I moved so my legs were hanging over the edge of the bed and bit down my lip as I stared at the floor.

"We should get going," I sighed softly, knowing that if we were to save Ally and Abigail in time, we'd need to put our plan into action soon. "I have to admit-" I whispered as I ran my fingers over the cool, white bedspread, "I'll miss this place. The memories..." I trailed off, a smile forming on my lips.

Even though there were a few bad ones, I knew the good memories I had with Damien would last forever. 

"I know," before I could look up, Damien was already kneeling in between my legs, his expression gentle as he grabbed my hands. "And we'll be able to make so many more. But we'll be able to do that without keeping what we have a secret," he added and my smile grew. "Well-" he stood, but not before placing a kiss on my forehead, "you remember the plan, don't you?" I nodded. "Then let's go," he finished, helping me up. He gave me a chaste kiss and then we both moved to the door and out into the hallway, careful not to draw attention to ourselves as Hunters ran passed us –attending to the attack the compound was currently under.

Damien offered me a slight nod before I slipped through one of the many white doors. I immediately saw Abigail in the far left cell and noting that there was no one around, I hurried over, slipping my hand into my jacket to retrieve the spare cell key that Damien had stolen for me. As I carefully kept my eye on her limp body through the metal bars, cringing at how weak she looked, I swiftly unlocked the door. At the sound, Abigail's head lifted slightly, her eyes blank as she stared at me.

"You..." she trailed off, her voice shaking.

"I'm here to help. I promise," I murmured quietly as I stepped inside. She stared at me for a moment before nodding slowly, realising she didn't have a choice either way. "Come with me," I held my hand out to her and she warily accepted it, wincing as she stood. Silently, we straightened our backs and confidently walked outside, easily making it to the basement.

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