C15| Attached

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Hey everyone! 

Sorry for the late update! It's been a super busy three weeks. The only reason I'm actually able to update right now is because I'm sick and can't really do anything or go out at the moment. 

Image is of Megan Fox (how I picture Rhea). 

Chapter is unedited so feel free to kindly point out any mistakes I may have made. I also thought I'd warn you guys and say that toward the end of the chapter, there is a little bit of graphic violent content, so be prepared for that. 

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! Sorry I kept you guys waiting so long :)



I woke up to an empty bed and an empty stomach. 

With a slight sigh, I clambered to get up, my eyes flitting to the lightly wrinkled sheets and then to the door as yet another sigh left my lips.

He has things to do, I silently reminded myself as I slowly started preparing for the day. And so do you, I thought about what had happened last night and took in a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what was to come.

Once I'd changed, I quietly collected my pager and my gun and trudged out of my room to the hall and toward Isaac's office. When I knocked lightly on the door and was instructed to enter, I timidly stepped inside, keeping my head down when the Hunters in the room turned to look at me.

"Ah, Juliet. We've been waiting for you," Isaac spoke up and through my lashes, I peeked up at him, following his silent instructions when he smiled his usual cold smile and gestured for me to move to the spot between Jason and Cynthia.

I didn't even have to look around the room to realise that Damien wasn't there.

As soon as I squeezed between my two friends, Jason playfully nudged me and I offered him a small smile but quickly focused on Isaac once again, a shiver racing down my spine when his dead eyes locked onto mine.

"Cynthius found out why there's been an increase in forced claims," he began, casting a quick glance around the room. "Apparently there have been numerous werewolves who are claiming young, blonde women in the hopes of finding a specific one," again he looked to me, his eyes reflecting the seriousness of the situation.

That doesn't make sense, my thoughts remained silent even though a number of questions were dashing through my mind. Why would they go through all that trouble for one girl and why are they claiming random girls instead of the particular target? By doing that, aren't they closing off the possibility of claiming the 'right' girl?

"We don't know exactly why they're looking for her, but we do believe that someone might think you could be the target, Juliet. Apparently you, like your friend, match the description of the girl. This could be the reason behind your attacks."

That's ridiculous, I internally scoffed but, as usual, I remained quiet and simply nodded to show I understood.

"We've got a mission for you," Isaac continued and my eyebrows flew up in surprise. I glanced around the room, wondering why Isaac would be telling me this without Damien.

Damien and Juliet (ON HOLD)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt