C31| Flash of recognition

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Hello there everyone (especially you @RomanianFemale!) x

Thank you all so much for your astounding support. I'll never get over the fact that somehow, out of all the readers on Wattpad, I've managed to get the very best of the bunch. You guys are absolutely incredible and I'm so lucky to have you guys reading, voting and commenting.

This chapter is unedited. I uploaded it as soon as I could because I wanted to get one out to you guys ASAP! The comments on the last chapter were awesome to read and so, as promised, I was motivated to write quickly. I did however, get distracted with an anime my friend @Ellimay recently recommended I watch, so blame her ; )

Don't forget to let me know what you think!

And of course, I hope you enjoy.

❉ s a r a h ❉



"Juliet," a familiar, warm voice spoke up and I felt myself turn over, trying to ignore them. "Juliet?" the same voice interrupted my peaceful sleep and so I groaned, reluctantly opening my eyes.

"Cynthia, I'm sure it's way too early," I muttered under my breath, rubbing my tired eyes before I propped myself up onto my elbows. Then, with great effort, I blinked up at her, frowning when I saw she had tears in her kind, brown eyes. Immediately I jolted up and awake, confused when she threw herself into my arms and held me tightly against her small body.

"Thank the Moon Goddess," she snivelled, burying her face into my shoulder.

It was then that I realised we weren't alone.

As soon as I caught a flash of movement from the corner of my eye, I glanced around the room, my confused frown deepening when I saw Cynthius, Orion and Jason all staring at me from their different places.

"What happened?" I softly asked as Cynthia slowly drew away to wipe her puffy nose with her sleeve. "What happened to me?" I corrected, realising that the mood in the room was uncharacteristically grim.

"You were poisoned," Cynthius spoke up, his voice cutting through the silence like a sharp knife. He looked over to Jason who refused to return his glare, before clearing his throat to offer me a small smile. "You've healed quite well, though. Jason here-" I raised an eyebrow when Cynthius's tone hardened but relaxed when the glare he threw Jason seemed to be fleeting. "Saved you."

"Only just," Jason laughed, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. "Though I think you'll have some issues with your memory for a little while."

"Oh," I screwed my nose up and looked down to my fingers, watching as they mindlessly played with the silky sheets. "Well...Thank you," I looked up to Jason and smiled.

"You're my girlfriend," he chuckled. "Obviously I'd have done whatever I could to save you," he added and I frowned.

"I'm sorry... girlfriend?" I quietly repeated, glancing around at the others who seemed strangely emotionless. "I...I don't remember that," I whispered and I cringed at the hurt that flashed in Jason's hazel eyes.

I can talk to him though, I thought to myself, straightening up in my bed. Maybe that's the reason.

"It's okay," he offered me a small, cool grin, shrugging like it wasn't a big deal. "I'm happy to help you remember. We can take it slow," he nodded reassuringly.

Damien and Juliet (ON HOLD)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum