C28| The big, bad wolf

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Hey everyone!

I just wanted to let you guys know that we're currently sitting at  #208 on the "What's Hot" list. Isn't that awesome?! Don't forget to go back and vote on any chapters we may have missed so that ranking can increase!

Gif is of Cynthius (Michael B. Jordan) ; )

Enjoy, my friends! x



As soon as Cynthius delivered the news regarding Isaac's disappearance, Damien bolted out of the entrance and it took all the stamina I had to follow him.

For some reason, both Damien and Cynthius seemed extraordinarily troubled that Isaac was gone and so when Damien dashed down the strangely abandoned hallways to Isaac's office, I only became even more confused.

Isaac's not there, so why are we bothering?

And where is everyone?

Without knocking and just as I rounded the final corner, Damien burst into the room and, like Cynthius, I scrambled to duck inside just before the door could swing shut.

"Ah, Damien. I see you're back," an eerily familiar voice deadpanned from Isaac's usual chair. When I turned to look at the source, my step faltered and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise as goosebumps erupted along the surface of my skin.

"Sean," Damien growled with a scowl, obviously unhappy with the situation. "I see you jumped straight into the lead the first chance you got," he snappily added, his hands balling into tight fists.

Wait, I hesitated, glancing between Damien and Sean with a small frown. Sean's taken over already?

"That's how it works here," Sean shrugged, his lips twitching as he tried to fight the urge to smile. When his greedy, hungry eyes flitted to meet my gaze, I tensed, gulping down the large lump that had formed in my throat.

"Isaac is our leader," Damien ground out, his fingers already balled into tight fists.

"And he would want me to enforce his rules," Sean coolly fired back, cocking an eyebrow as he stared back at Damien.

"This is bullshit!" Damien spat, slamming his fist  down onto the desk while Sean grinned unflinchingly at his outburst.

"Perhaps. But this is the way it works here. I'm happy to excuse you from the Hunting corporation if we have a serious issue here."

"I'm not leaving," Damien responded, his voice low and threatening. "But you sure as hell will be soon."

"We'll see," Sean chortled, his predatory gaze abruptly shifting from Damien to me.  "I actually have a few new rules that I'll be enforcing soon -just so you know," he continued, a smug smirk twitching across his lips as he looked back to my mate. "And in all honesty, you should be thanking me. You won't have to work with the human for much longer."

Before Damien could argue with Sean's ambiguous words, Sean continued, a bored expression resting on his features.

"You're all dismissed," Sean nonchalantly stated and as Damien scoffed, Sean's beady eyes focused on me once again. "Actually, Juliet, I'd like you to stay," his lips thinned into a predatory smile as he slowly stood up.

"No!" Damien instantly snarled, stepping in front of me in an effort to protect me as his hands became fists at his sides. "I don't trust you alone with a woman," he ground out but his words only seemed to make Sean amused and that, in turn, angered Damien even more.

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