C25| A chance

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Hey, hey!

I just wanted to give you guys yet another early update because you've been so amazing and I wanted to show my appreciation. I will warn you guys that after this chapter, the updates will come like they used to (once every week as opposed to once every day haha).

I hope you enjoy and please, PLEASE don't forget to leave a vote if you liked it and if you have time, pop a little comment below.

Image is of the wonderful Zac Efron (Damien Rivera).



"Time's up!"

I jerked upwards at the sound of Damien's voice and jumped to my feet, heaving in a few short, shallow breaths as he stalked toward me.

"You're doing better," he commented, glancing at me for a moment before turning his attention to Serena who stood beside me, her breaths as even as when we started. I felt my lips quirk upwards at his remark but I didn't let myself get too comfortable, knowing he was about to compare the way I completed my push ups to the way Serena did hers.

Not for the first time I found myself grateful that today was the last day of Serena's week of training and the last day of my suspension.

"Show her how you do yours," Damien addressed Serena and she immediately nodded, dropping to the ground to do as he asked. As expected, she flawlessly executed the perfect push up and I found myself chewing down on my bottom lip, determined to do better.

When Serena popped back up to her feet, I turned my gaze to Damien, waiting for him to tell us what was next.

"Well, it looks like you've both improved a lot over the last week," Damien nodded, scratching at the stubble on his chin with an approving nod. "I think you're ready for tomorrow," he continued, flashing us a small smile.

Both Serena and I raised our eyebrows at this, surprised to hear him praise us after the week of torturous training he'd put us through.

"I have to head out," Damien slipped his phone from his back pocket to check the time. "You two are free to do as you please," he distractedly added, sweeping down to pick up his gun holster and water bottle.

"Where are you going?" Serena piped up, bending down to pick up her own items just as I did.

"Out," he simply stated, turning to leave the gym. I hurried after him and in turn, Serena jogged after me.

"Are you going on another mission alone?" she asked and like me, he stopped in his tracks, whipping around to stare at Serena. She curiously gazed back at him, tilting her chin up like she was almost challenging him to deny it. When I frowned, I felt him glance at me before clearing his throat, coolly shrugging his shoulders.

"And if I am?"

"Isaac said I was supposed to go with you if you were given any missions," she moved to his other side when he started stalking to his room again.

"You weren't ready," Damien snappily replied when we paused outside his room. Before he could grab the handle, I slipped in between him and the door, folding my arms across my chest as I glared at him. I quickly cast a look over his shoulder Serena to see her mimicking my actions with a little grin, throwing me a subtle wink that told me she was grateful that I'd backed her up.

"Well you said that I am now," Serena sang as Damien stared down at me, his gaze flickering with annoyance.

I don't want to work with anyone other than you. Everyone else gets in the way. Damien's gruff voice echoed throughout my head and I felt my cheeks burn at his sincere statement.

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