C34| Tricked

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I hope you're all having a wonderful day! Here's an early update that I hope brightens it up a bit!

The next update may be a while, my friends. Unfortunately, life beckons :(

Don't forget to vote, comment and fan! x

❉ s a r a h ❉



I quietly drew in a slow, deep breath, filling my lungs with air as I stared blankly at the door in front of me. Before I could change my mind, I reached up and softly banged on the door, forcing myself to pout as I waited for it to open. When it did, I took a slight step back, gazing up at Jason who, in turn, was looking down at me with a glare.

"What do you want?" he snapped.

"I wanted to say sorry," I whispered softly, my eyes stinging with tears. His expression softened at my apology and he stepped to the side, silently inviting me in. I swiftly accepted his invitation, fiddling with my fingers as the door clicked shut behind me.

"You're apologising?" he asked and I nodded, glancing around his cold, bare room before meeting his gaze once again.

"Yeah. I-I just can't believe I acted so stupidly. I mean, I didn't even know the guy and I was-" I stopped, heaving in a sharp breath. "Not only that, but I was confused. I have these... these feelings for you and I can't explain them because my stupid memory isn't working," I felt a tear drop down my cheek and when he noticed my distress, he reached out and carefully encircled me in his muscular arms.

"It's okay, Jules," he soothed me, rubbing his hands over my back. While we embraced and Jason murmured into my ear, I used his distraction to my advantage and cautiously inched my hand down to the top of my jeans. Then, in one quick motion, I whipped out the warded cuffs I'd stuffed into them minutes beforehand and locked one side around his wrist. As his body froze with shock, I slid the dagger from its place around my thigh and held the tip at Jason's throat, a scowl forming on my lips.

"Make a sound or try to struggle and I'll kill you," I promised him, staring steadily into his wide, hazel eyes. "Get on the bed," I ordered and Jason immediately backed away, falling onto the bed when the back of his knees hit the mattress. "Cuff yourself to it." When Jason hesitated, I pushed the tip slightly into his throat, watching as he swallowed and a drop of ruby red liquid swelled from the surface of his skin.

He instantly scrambled to do as I asked and when he finally did so, I knelt down between his legs, refusing to move the tip of my blade.

"How dare you," I whispered lowly and Jason grimaced as he stared back down at me and my dark expression. "How dare you take my memories from me. How dare you interfere with my bond with my mate!" I shouted, moving the silver blade so its long edge was now resting against his throat. He instinctively leant back, his eyes filling with unadulterated fear.

I felt my own eyes fill with tears and at the same time I felt my fingers curl into tight, painful fists at my side.

"I should kill you for what you've done to me –for what you've done to Damien," I ground out, a sob rising in my throat. I hung my head with despair at he thought of the pain Damien would've gone through and just as I did, I felt Jason move to use my momentary lapse of concentration to his advantage. Before I could stop him, he grabbed my throat with his large hand and started to squeeze.

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