C29| A warrior

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Hello, hello!

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Don't forget to let me know what you think in the comments! :) x



"Okay so I changed my mind -this is beyond crazy. This is- is absolutely insane," I decided, clinging desperately to the soft, black, furry surface beneath me.

My lips twisted with pain when my arms began to ache from being wrapped so tightly around the oversized, constantly jostling neck of Damien's wolf and my breathing shallowed when my knees burnt from pressing into his stomach so I could keep my balance.

I'd be more than happy to turn back, cara mia, Damien spoke into my mind and the laughter that burst from my lips was lost in the wind as we whipped past countless trees with inhuman speed. Not for the first time, my gaze flittered to the white ground racing beneath us and I swallowed the lump in my throat and forced myself to look back up.

"I know," I stated loudly, aware that even though it seemed impossible, Damien would've been able to hear me.

Unconsciously I looked to my right at the two wolves running beside us; one dark grey and the other light brown, before looking over to the identical light brown one racing along with us on my other side. "But it took me hours to convince you to do this -I'm not letting that time be wasted," I shouted into the dark, icy night and I felt Damien's throat vibrate along my arms with a small, humoured growl.

Silently, I squeezed my eyes shut and shrugged the straps of the rucksack bouncing on my back further over my shoulders, wary of the bow strung across my chest and the bag of arrows swinging beside it. By the time I'd opened my eyes again, we were slowing down and eventually we came to a complete, quiet stop.

Once Damien had crouched down and I had jumped off his back and into the shallow snow beneath us, I slipped the rucksack from my shoulders and threw it at his paws, spinning around when Cynthius, Cynthia and Orion's wolves all joined his side, waiting for their clothes.

"You ready, Juliet?" Damien softly asked and I turned back to my four clothed friends, nodding before I started to slide the bow over my head.

"Where's Jason?" I glanced around, drawing in an abrupt, sharp breath when he suddenly appeared beside me, his expression as serious as everyone else's. "We good to go?" I questioned him, looking over to the lights sparkling through the snow sprinkled trees.

"I'll set up here. It won't take long, so you can all go ahead. Your scent will be hidden for half an hour," he steadily replied and I bobbed my head, chewing down on my bottom lip when I peered over at Damien. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him step into place beside me, his back straight, his jaw taut and his blue eyes serious as he carefully stared at the prison with his arms folded across his chest.

He was the picture of a warrior.

He was perfect.

I cleared my throat and turned my attention back to the trees, squinting through the forest so I could see the single, small, brick building that resided on the edge.

"That's the prison?" I wondered out loud, glancing expectantly over to Cynthius who nodded from where he crouched and was distractedly digging through the rucksack we'd prepared.

"Yeah. They keep it away from the rest of the town to protect its people from escapees."

"But being so close to the edge of their border has to be seriously tempting for the prisoners, right?"

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