C4| Good guys

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Dedicated to cookiedough098. You've been so amazing and I just want you to know that I do notice every vote you've given me throughout every single one of my books. You've truly been such a wonderful reader x

Gif is of how I picture Xena Valley (EmeraudeToubia).

Enjoy everyone!



I carefully watched Damien, gouging his reaction to see if the woman behind me was important to him. He simply stared right back at me and for a brief moment, I was certain that his bright blue eyes flashed with amusement.

"You know what needs to be done with her," Damien impassively stated, waving a hand before he started distractedly taking off his jacket. He took the gun from inside the jacket and pushed it into his jeans, throwing the discarded item of clothing over his shoulder before nodding at the woman to lead the way. My entire body stiffened at his words and I felt my jaw clench when she did as she was instructed and lightly tapped my back, encouraging me to manoeuvre my body so I was facing the way she wanted me to. With my hands still up, I turned away from Damien and gingerly took a step toward the large white door a few metres away, moving to take another step whenever she pressed the gun further into my back.

"What's your name?" the woman abruptly and coldly asked me as she slipped the bag off my shoulder and threw it to Damien. I bit down on my lip, already feeling my mouth dry up as that familiar lump rose in my throat.

"Juliet," Damien coolly provided and the woman behind me snickered, obviously amused.

"Well that certainly seems to suit her," she mocked while I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

Dad taught you how to defend yourself from a guy with a gun, I reminded myself, biting down on my lip as I tried to remember exactly what I'd been taught. Turn. Push. Lock. Elbow. Knee. Grab. I chanted those six steps in my head, ignoring the rapid beats of my heart. When Damien stepped past us and towards the door to open it, I whipped around and grabbed the woman's elbow, pushing the gun away from my body before locking her arm so she couldn't bend it. Then, without hesitating I used my other arm to elbow her in the neck and when she doubled over in pain, I kneed her in the stomach and forced the gun from her hand. I then danced a few steps backward, pointing it at her head.

She was just as beautiful as she sounded.

When she straightened, she yielded and held up her hands in surrender before backing away, a scowl resting on her face as she glared at me with her honey-brown eyes.

"You continue to surprise me, cara mia," Damien quietly spoke up from behind me and when I felt something familiar and cold press against the back of my head, I finally realised how much I screwed up by forgetting the first step.


As in check your surroundings.

With a defeated sigh, I dropped the gun to my side and let Damien gently pry it from my hands. At that, the woman flipped her long, jet black hair over her shoulder and flashed me a cocky grin, her heels clicking loudly on the ground as she strutted carelessly past me.

"Cara mia?" the woman frostily repeated as she took Damien's place opening the door. He continued to hold the gun against my head but I felt him stiffen slightly behind me.

Damien and Juliet (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now