C41| Waiting for you

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Hey, hey! 

Told you I'd update quicker ;) Now just two things today! 

First of all, for those who haven't already, could you please go back and vote on any chapters you may have missed? I'd so appreciate it! 

Second of all, shoutout to @UnknownNameHere who is from Sweden, to _cuckingfrazy_ who is from India and Booksramazyn who's from Canada. You guys have been wonderful fans and commenters and I appreciate you all so much!   

Damien Rivera above ^^ (Zac Efron) . 

❉ s a r a h ❉



"Are you nervous?" I asked Althea, glancing over at her as we fidgeted on the doorstep.

"Yeah," Althea laughed softly, staring at the doorbell with her wide, amber eyes. "I don't know what they were told about my disappearance. I-I just know that the guys who took me, took my phone too."

"I'm sure that no matter what they were told, they'll be happy you're home," I tenderly assured her. "I'm right here, Al." She tore her gaze from the doorbell and looked to me with a smile, her amber eyes swirling with conflicting emotions.

"Will you be okay?" her words were careful and I could see she was studying me to gauge my reaction. I nodded at her and gave her the biggest smile I could muster.

"You know I will be. I've made it this far, haven't I?" I grinned and she giggled lightly, bobbing her head with agreement.

"Yeah, you're pretty amazing," she murmured. "You're always protecting me, Jules. Thank you. Thank you for coming here too. I know Damien was worried," she continued softly and then suddenly, she wrapped her arms around my neck, drawing me into a tight hug. I quickly embraced her back, smiling as I did.

"That's what friends are for, right?" I grinned as I pulled back and she nodded with a smile.

"So...are they still there?" she asked and I didn't even have to think twice about her question when I bobbed my head, keeping my eyes on her. "Have you told Damien?" she asked, sniffing before she turned back to the door. I shook my head this time. "Do it now. I'll pretend to psych myself up."

Hey Damien? I tentatively tested the link, holding my breath as I watched Althea brush her fingers through her hair and run her hands over her body.

Is everything okay? He immediately replied and I knew he'd felt my unease through the link.

I'm with Althea at her place and someone followed us from the compound. They're parked up the street.

Can you see who it is? Damien quickly asked and now I felt his concern.

No. I doubt they're dangerous but if something were to happen I'm worried about what'll happen to Al's family.

I'll be there as soon as I can, cara mia. Eclipse isn't that far away. We're just dealing with a little...crisis right now but sit tight and I'll make up an excuse. You have your weapons, right?

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