C16| Poisoned

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Hey you lovely people

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Michael B Jordan (gif) as Cynthius.



Oh God, I thought, groaning as I struggled to open my eyes.

My limbs felt insanely heavy and it took immense effort to sit up and adjust myself to the light shining down on me.

"Hey, slow down," a soft, familiar voice spoke up beside me, prompting me to jolt awake and alert. I blinked a few times to get used to the light and turned to stare at the person sitting in the chair beside me.

"Cyn...thi....us," I managed to rasp out, falling back into my pillow with relief.

"You took quite the hit, huh?" he murmured and I felt his fingers pull back from where he'd gently been touching my hand. I looked at him again, licking my dry lips when I noticed how sad he seemed. When he caught my gaze, he offered me a shaky smile, his dark eyes refusing to reflect any joy. A ghost of a smile flickered across my lips in response while the memories of Mikey's attack slowly returned.

Anxiously, my gaze went to my injured arm and a frown formed on my lips when I saw that, while it still hurt quite a bit, there didn't seem to be any physical injury but a red scar across my elbow where I thought the bone had broken through.


"Your friend, Jason? Well he's a healer. He mended the break in your arm and the breaks in your wrist but it'll still be tender for a few more days. He wasn't able to completely take the pain away because it took a lot of magic to heal. You could've been poisoned and we couldn't risk that," Cynthius quietly elaborated.

"Poi..son...ing?" I brokenly questioned, biting down on my lip.

He's your friend and you trust him. You're quite capable of holding a decent conversation so do it!

"What do you mean, poisoning?" I managed to ask and his eyes widened in surprised. A genuine smile flickered across his lips as he straightened in the chair.

"Magic poisoning. If a human has too much magic running through their veins, they can die."

I nodded with understanding at his words, glancing back down to my hand. With a little grunt of pain, I flexed my fingers, relief flooding my body when I found I could do just that.

"Who found me?" I asked, wriggling my fingers about as I stared at them.

"Rhea called in and told us you were injured. We- we would've come faster if we knew just how bad it was though," Cynthius irritably stated and in my peripheral vision I saw his fingers curl into a fist.

"Well thank you," I sincerely thanked him with a small smile. "Does Damien know?" I asked, unconsciously glancing around the room.

I felt the atmosphere grow cold when Cynthius grew silent.

"We tried to call him but he-" I stiffened, turning my sharp gaze to Cynthius. "He's not responding," he eventually finished, rubbing the back of his head with a small sigh. "We're sure he's okay though!" Cynthius frantically assured me, his eyes widening when he saw the anguish on my face. "It's not the first time he's dropped off the radar."

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