C35| The Prince

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Enjoy the chapter, my dears! We got to #120 on the Werewolf hot list! How awesome is that?!

Image is of how I picture Emmett to be (Dave Franco). You can imagine him however you want though!

*Unedited so feel free to point out mistakes*

❉ s a r a h ❉



A yawn left my lips as I numbly gazed down at the book in my hands. I was vaguely aware that I was reading the same sentence over and over again but I continued to try and read the words, unable to focus on the small, black writing as another loud yawn escaped my throat.

"You're so depressing," Cynthius commented, his voice laced with amusement. At his words I sighed and glanced up at him over the top of my book, glaring at him as the sound of him rhythmically and swiftly chopping a tomato echoed throughout the silent kitchen. "I've got a serious case of Déjà vu right now. You aren't always going to be like this when Damien's gone, are you?" he asked with a playful grin, quickly looking to meet my gaze.

"I'm not like anything because Damien's gone," I argued, though even to me I didn't sound all too convincing.

"Yeah, yeah," Cynthius waved me off, obviously not believing my lie. "You managing to get any sleep yet?" he suddenly asked and I immediately detected a trace of worry in his tone.

I shrugged at his question, drawing my knees to my chest before I turned my attention back to the resting on top of them. "Some; although not a lot. Damien talks to me through the link and that helps a bit," I murmured softly.

"Well it's a good thing Isaac took you and Serena off missions while Damien was gone. You'd be too tired to concentrate if he didn't," Cynthius responded thoughtfully as I heard the sharp clattering of dishes. "It's ready," he proudly announced and I frowned, surprised to see him wandering over to me with two plates of food. When he placed one on the coffee table in front of me and sat on the couch beside me with the other in hand, my frown deepened.

"This is for me?" I carefully asked, unable to tear my eyes from the steaming chicken parmigiana and salad I'd been forced to smell for the last half hour. When Cynthius chuckled with amusement, I felt my lips quirk upwards in a smile and just as my stomach grumbled, I set aside the book and reached out to take the plate. "Thank you," I murmured, breathing the warm, delicious scent in before I crossed my legs and rested the dish in my lap.

"You have to look after yourself even when he's gone, you know. I don't want him throwing a punch at me because I didn't look out for you," he playfully teased as I took my first bite of the meal he'd made me. I laughed at his words and looked up to him, cocking an eyebrow with a challenging grin.

"You sure that's the only reason you look out for me?" I sang and in response, he only rolled his eyes. "Well, either way, I'm grateful. I'll also take your advice and try harder. It's just...when he's gone I forget," I softly admitted, bringing another forkful of food to my mouth.

"He comes back tomorrow, right?" I soundlessly nodded at Cynthius's question, my stomach churning at the thought of spending another night here without him. "The last few days must've been hard for both of you, huh?"

"Yeah. Though I'm sure he's handling it better than I am," a small, humourless smile flickered across my lips.

"I doubt it. He's a Werewolf, Jules. I'm sure he's practically going insane," he chuckled and while his words were teasing, they were comforting too.

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