Chapter Two

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Mason Black

I wake up not wanting to get out of bed, its nice and comfy but I force my eyes open, they landing on my alarm clock, it reads 10:00am. I should've been up half an hour ago, why didn't my alarm go off?

My door opens and in comes my Mom, she smiles at me as I sit up
"Morning sweetheart, I shut your alarm off, you looked like you were having a nice dream" She says, I smile at her seeing she brought me some breakfast
"Thanks mom, what's all this for?" I ask as she sits next to me, she sighs shrugging

"I can't bring my son breakfast?" She asks, I smile kissing her cheek then I take a bite of a pancake as I look at her. She's beautiful, she doesn't look to be in her forties and that's because werewolves stop really aging at around thirty but they still feel old and some even ask the goddesses to let them look their age after a while, like my grandparents did three years ago

"Mom, what's wrong?" I ask, as I was looking at her I noticed worry wrinkles on her forehead that have never been there, she sighs then locks eyes with me
"Please be careful. I know how dangerous these things can get, you know I know" She says, I lick my lips nodding and understanding that she's scared something might happen to me, that this could be like what had happened to her

"I know ma' and I promise to be careful. Plus I'll have Steve there and Josh as well as Dennis and all my guys" I say, she nods then takes my hand
"I know you'll be safe, but if you need anything let us know. You know your Uncle Chad will go over in a heartbeat, so will your Dad and even Uncle James. You don't have to do this all on your own, you have us" She says, I smile nodding

"I know, if things get too rough for me to handle I'll tell you guys. Stop stressing mom, you're getting wrinkles" I say, she playfully glares at me making us both laugh
"Eat up baby, you'll need the energy" She says then kisses my forehead and leaves my room.

I finish eating then shower and I change into dark jeans, my timberlands, a white tshirt and I let my hair do its thing. I make my way downstairs with my dirty dishes then see Josh outside already with our Warriors, then I see my parents with my Uncles Chad, Dave and Riley.

I go to Josh and let myself get in Alpha mode, my wolf, Levi, standing tall and proud.
"Listen up!" I say, my Alpha tone making everyone turn to me in silence and respect, "Redwood Pack needs our help. They've been getting threats and attacks from unknown supernaturals and have a feeling they are out numbered. So we alongside Red Moon Pack will be going over to help them keep each other safe and take down whatever, whoever, is causing terror. We leave in two hours! So load up the trucks!" I say my voice booming all over the pack house territory, my lead Warrior, Dennis, lets out a howl and everyone follows then they all go pack up and get the trucks loaded up.

Josh and Dennis come with me to my parents and theirs, Josh is son of Chad and Dennis is Rileys son while Daves daughter Becca is just an omega of the pack but she's still a close friend to me and the guys.

"You boys contact us if anything gets too rough out there alright" Uncle Chad says, I nod
"I'll be going there with you guys, to talk to Drew then I'll leave to make sure everyone is safe here" Dad says

"If it's not Witches or Fairies, tell us" Mom says, I nod again
"I promise, to keep you all informed" I say
"Good, go pack your things" Riley says and we split off

Sarah Woods

"Dad, you're over exaggerating! We don't need two packs coming here to protect me!" I say following him into his study
"Sarah, these threats have been getting too dangerous and they've gotten too close to getting you! I need all the help I can get to prevent anything from happening to you" He says, I sigh

"Okay but two packs Dad? Really?" I ask crossing my arms as Mom walks in
"They are from my close friends, the King and Queen. I only really asked for Black Moon but your Aunt Rose wants to keep you safe too so she got her nephew to agree as well" He says, I groan

"Hunny, your Dad is just trying to keep you, everyone, safe. He can't do it alone, we don't even know what is the threat because it isn't vampires" Mom says, I sigh sitting down
"I just, I don't want people risking their lives for mine. That's too much to ask for" I say, they look at me in awe

"Sweetheart, hopefully it won't have to come to death. This is just to show whatever is after you that we are stronger than they think" Dad says, I play with the ends of my hair sighing
"Fine, but I'm not giving up my room" I say, they both crack a smile then I leave the study and go to the kitchen

"Dad is just keeping us safe Sarah" My wolf, Lola, says to me
"I know Lola but heavens two packs" I tell her, she just giggles
"It's just two packs Sarah, calm down" She says, I roll my eyes as I get a popsicle then I head outside to sit on the porch.

I feel like I'm being watched but the only people out here are pack members and kids, my eyes look out to where the trees line up before the woods. I get goosebumps for some unknown reason then I feel something in the pit of my stomach but I shake it off and just look at the nice blue sky as I hear the children laughing.

Then my best friend, my dads Betas daughter Cindy, comes running up the five steps and sits next to me
"So, two packs? Red Moon and Black Moon are coming?!" She asks with wide eyes
"Yeah, apparently they are coming to keep me safe" I say, she lets out a squeal

"Oh moongoddess! The two hottest Alphas will be here! I have to look presentable" She says, I roll my eyes at her
"They could already have mates dummy" I say, she shakes her head
"Word would've traveled fast if they did" She says, I shake my head at my best friend

"I am wanted and all you worry about is hot alphas. I'm so done with you" I say laughing a little then I get a feeling that someone that isn't of Redwood Pack is on our territory as well as a feeling in my heart and Lola just wages her tail getting excited

"You feel that? They're on the territory! They are getting closer! I have to get ready! We may find our mates soon! One of them hopefully! Mating season is in two weeks!" Cindy says so fast I barley understand her then she vanishes, I just laugh at her then I get onto the hammock finishing my popsicle waiting for our visitors to arrive.

The thought of finding my mate in two weeks hasn't even crossed my mind until now, will I find him? Is it even safe to? I sigh as I sway side to side closing my eyes letting the sounds around me fill my ears

A/N: Its Friday! So heres another chapter! :-)

Hope you guys like it! XOXO

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