Chapter Seventeen

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After telling them the plan they all agreed that it's good, that we should do it. Drew and I got the packs together, since Steve isn't present and his Beta and Lead Warrior aren't present either my Mom as Queen chose to lead Red Moon until he gets back. We told the packs the plan then we set them up, the final group just got in position. Right now I'm with Sarah and Cindy telling them what they have to do.

"I'm still fighting though, nobody will be able to stop me from my fight" Sarah says, I nod even though I don't want her involved in the fight
"You'll just need to make sure they get to the safe room safely, then you can join in the fight" I say, she nods
"What about me? I don't want to just sit around" Cindy says, I sigh
"Steve wouldn't want you out there, so you're staying with the women and kids" I say, she crosses her arms groaning and I stand walking out of the room. I feel Sarah come after me as I step outside onto the porch, I put both my hands on the wall as I let my head fall and I close my eyes inhaling deeply.

Sarah places her hands on my shoulders and my anxiousness slowly dissolves, she's making me feel at ease.
"Whats worrying you?" She asks softly, I turn around to face her leaning back against the wall sighing
"That Steve won't make it back on time. We fight better together because we know we have each others backs so I'm worried I'll be off my game if he isn't here" I say, she smiles

"I'll be here, I'll have your back like a mate is supposed to. Look at your parents for example, they fight alongside each other for that purpose" She says, I smile nodding. Thats true, my parents always fight better together maybe I'll fight like that alongside Sarah. I reach up moving a strand of hair behind her ear then running my thumb over her bottom lip

"We got each others backs then" I say, she smiles nodding
"Always" She says then I lean down connecting our lips, she kisses back holding me close by my neck and as we kiss I feel the atmosphere change. We pull away looking behind her to see our warriors running out of the trees and lining up all around the pack house.

"They're here. Go take the women and children to safety" I say, she nods
"Be careful, I'll be back" She says kissing me quickly then running inside as my parents and hers run out with Josh and Chad following
"It's time, ready Alpha" Josh says looking at me, I nod then look at my parents

"We've got your back son" Dad says, Mom nods then fog starts coming out from the tree line. Our packs are all mixed with some shifted some still in human form. I let my wolf teeth out and Levi shows his eyes growling loudly
"Steve, they're here" I mind link him
"We're on our way and I brought company" He replies as I make my way down the steps as a figure shows in the fog

"Where is she!?" He yells out, I can see him clearly, he has a beard, short hair, smooth skin and green eyes that are glowing slightly
"Who?!" Drew growls out standing next to me in the same state I'm in
"My daughter!" The man yells then rouge vampires and others with the same green glowing eyes as him step out

"I'm not your daughter" Sarah says loudly from behind us, his eyes land on her cold stare
"Your eyes say differently" The man says as she walks over standing in between Drew and I
"I don't give a damn. If you want me and my pack for strength and power, you have another thing coming" She says then her eyes glow like his but a more hazel green color, she shifts in a blink of an eye and goes to attack him. He does some thing with his hand that sends her flying back and thats when all hell breaks loose.

Dennis howls and all the packs attack the vampires and fairies. I shift and tackle a vampire away from Sarah then she stands and goes for her father. I break the vampires neck then see more are coming from the trees. I see Sarah fighting her father then see Mom getting triple teamed so I go help her
"Mas, I can handle this. You watch for your mate. He can take her if we dont watch them" She mind links me after we're done, I nod and go for Sarah but can't find her so I follow her scent into the trees and I see her knocked out in human form in front of her father with four vampires hissing at me

"Boy, you better leave if you want to live" The scumbag says
"That's my mate you have, I won't leave her with you. Over my dead body" I openly mind link him, he shrugs
"If that's what it takes" He says then the vampires go to attack me as he runs with her over his shoulder but two wolves jump out of the trees with more going passed us where the fighting is happening, I recognize them as Steve and his dad, Uncle James.

"Saved your ass once more" Steve mind links me and I roll my eyes as Uncle James kills the last one
"He took her, follow me" I tell them, we run after her scent but then I loose it. No no no no, this can't be happening. We stop running and I shift putting on shorts looking around pulling at my hair
"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" I say, I can't smell her. I can't feel her. They disappeared, he took her, my mate, Sarah.
"We have to go tell Drew" Steve says coming to me in sweats, I feel a lump form in my throat. I nod then the three of us run back to see a mess of blood everywhere but I spot my parents, Drew, Mandy, Josh and Dennis

"Where's Sarah?" Drew asks coming towards us, I lick my lips shaking my head
"He took her, they literally disappeared. I can't track them down" I say, Mandy burst in tears and Drew lets out a loud growl making the floor shake

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