Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Well, we're still under attack" Mom says, my eyes widen and we both quickly run out to help. Once I step out I let out a growl at the sight of my Dad getting double teamed by vampires in his wolf form. Mom and I quickly go to his aid, we take out the two vamps then see they are retreating.
"Should we go after them?" Dennis asks, I shake my head
"They'll be expecting that. Anyway we know where they are now so it's not necessary" I say, he nods
"Get doctors!" Mom yells
"Clean this mess up, burn all the vampire and fairy bodies! If there is one still breathing kill it!" I order
"Mandy!!" Drews voice makes my eyes go to him as he falls on the floor, I curse as we all quickly surround a badly injured Mandy
"Doctor!!" I yell falling on my knees next to Drew
"Save our daughter, get her out of there" She says then coughs out blood
"I will but you need to hang in there babe, please don't give up. She needs you, I need you" Drew cries, Mandy looks at me and smiles
"Make her happy Mason, I know you will make my girl happy" She says, I lick my lips smiling a little
"Mandy, you need to hang in there. Sarah needs you, we all do. Your future grandkids will as well" I say, she smiles at the word 'grandkids'. The pack doctors move us aside and they start doing what they need to do but Drew doesn't let go of his mates hand and he doesn't stop begging her and the goddess to hang in there. I stand up thinking about how devastated Sarah will be if she looses her mom
"We have her stabled, but we need to take her to the pack hospital" One pack doctor says, Drew nods and he helps them take her to the hospital
"Whats the plan Mason?" Steve asks
"We're going to get Sarah back, tomorrow as the sunsets we head out. Right now I want all our people getting a good nights sleep, first thing tomorrow morning we get all kids, women and injured in the pack house with people around it to keep them safe. We will also have people back in Black Moon on high alert, you should also get Red Moon on it. We're going to face these vampires and fairies head on, we don't want any surprises from them" I say, he nods
"We're going to get Sarah back and teach those bastards a lesson" He says


Mandy is now healing herself, so she's going to be fine after being in the danger zone all night. I just told my parents, Drew, James and Uncle Chad how things are in there and the plan to go in from all around it, they agreed that way they have no way out. I also told them about the crossbows and they are ready to face the challenge. Right now I am standing in front of the packs ready to tell them whats to go down today at sunset.
"Redwood, Red Moon, Black Moon packs. Today at sunset, warrior wolves and volunteers set of to rescue Sarah Woods. Women, children and the severely injured will be staying in the pack house that will be guarded in case they try to attack while we attack them but you all were taught how to easily defend yourself, use it if you need to. Remember we are facing not only vampires but fairies that are armed with wolfsbane arrows and that may try to use their magic on you so be smarter than them and attack first. There may be prisoners in there so keep an eye out on those that are with us. Today the three packs that came together over twenty years ago to fight for similar reasons, come together again. We are all family, we will all look over the other no matter what tonight!" I finish. Drew howls followed by Steve and Uncle James, then my parents, then the pack members all join in and finally, I howl myself. We are all ready for battle, Sarah we're coming for you baby.

Sarah Woods

I feel a huge amount of power in my heart forming, then I hear Masons voice.
"We are all ready for battle, Sarah we're coming for you baby"
I smile at his words, tonights the night I take down John. Perfect timing because last night he said today will be the day he sees if it's time to hand over my power. I look out the window seeing he's talking to his, pack? If that's what he calls it. A knock makes my eyes move to the door seeing Kat peak her head into the room, she's a prisoner here, a fairy that I've befriend.
"Come in Kat" I say, she does and closes the door behind her
"I spoke to my dad, he got everyone to agree with your plan. We're all going to help your mate and pack get in here and take down those bastards" She says, I smile nodding
"Okay good, it's going down tonight. At sunset, Mason said they're going to come in from all around so you guys have to be all around the perimeter to meet them and tell them how to know which of you are with us" I say, she nods
"Okay, I'll let everyone know. Now I have to go before he sees us talking" She says, I nod going with her to the door looking around making sure the coast is clear then I let her out and close the door after she steps out. I lean against it sighing closing my eyes
"Please moon goddess, let everything go okay tonight. Give me strength to beat John, to kill him if necessary" I whisper

A/N: Next chapter is the LAST of Protecting Her !! *wipes tear* I'll work very hard on making it the best ending ever ! XOXO

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