Chapter Twelve

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I'm waiting for Sarah to come down, it's 7:00pm already and I mind linked her that I'm waiting downstairs, all she said was that she'll be a minute. I sigh as I look at myself in the mirror in the living room

"God Levi, what did you get me into" I mumble
"You'll thank me later" Is all he says then her sweet beautiful intoxicating scent hits me as the sound of her footsteps fills my ears and I turn quickly

"Ready" She says smiling, she looks beautiful in her simple outfit, that consists of ripped jeans, a red crop top, red converse and her hair in her natural state
"You look beautiful" I say, and I genuinely mean it
"Thank you" She says blushing making me smile a bit

"Come on then" I say opening the front door for her and she walks out, I follow closing it behind me and we go down to the waiting car. I open the door for her and then go around to hop in, we put our seatbelts on then I drive away.
"Where are we going?" She asks, I smirk a little looking over at her quickly to see shes already looking at me

"It's a surprise" I say, she groans a little making my smirk more visible
"That's not cool" She says, I chuckle
"You'll love it" I say
"In the meantime let's play twenty questions then?" She asks, I shrug
"You first" I say, I hear her move a little in her seat and from the corner of my eye I see shes facing me

"Whats your favorite color?" She asks, I smile at little
"Burgundy" I say
"Nice, mines too!" She says excitedly
"Alright, my turn...umm, what's your favorite food?" I ask
"Pizza" She says in a heartbeat making me chuckle

"Same, and spaghetti" I say shrugging, she giggles
"Okay, ummm, where are we going?" She asks, I chuckle looking at her for a second shaking my head
"Its a surprise! We're almost there though" I say, she sighs
"Worth a shot" She says

"Alright my turn, if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?" I ask
"Hmm, Paris," She pauses, "because it just, it looks like a beautiful place plus its the city of love and who wouldn't want to go there" She says, I nod as I park

"Alright, we're here but close your eyes okay? You'll need to trust me on this, I'll guide you" I say then get out and go around opening the door, she closes her eyes after standing up
"You better not run me into anything" She warns, I chuckle
"Damn you caught onto my plan" I joke, she slaps my arm

I walk with her down a path, we're by a lake, I set up a picnic for us as well as a projector to watch a movie after, and the area is surrounded by little lanterns. I stop us as we reach the small area and sigh
"Alright, open your eyes" I whisper by her ear, she gasps looking around and I see her eyes are wide

"Mason, this is beautiful oh my god" She says, I smile
"Glad you like it" I say leading her to the blanket with the food basket
"How did you do all this? You were training and doing Alpha things" She says, I shrug

"I got some guys to come here and set things up, I found this place on my run one day and just told them how I wanted everything" I say, she nods
"Of course Mr. Alpha has his men do it" She says, I chuckle
"If I had the time I would've done it all" I say, we lock eyes and she smiles
"Thank you either way" She says, I nod

"Now, I'm glad you said you like pizza because thats what we're having" I say, she laughs
"Oh god take out?" She asks, I shake my head taking out a small container from the basket
"My mom made it, you'll love it trust me. Her pizzas are the best!" I say, she giggles

"Mommas boy?" She asks, I shrug
"And proud to be" I say, she smiles
"Thats cute, guys usually deny it" She says as I take a bite out of a slice and she does as well, her eyes widen as she chews and I can tell the flavor of my moms secret recipe is hitting her and shes loving it

"Oh my god, this is really good" She says, I grin
"Told you" I say, she giggles
"You have a little" She says and with her pinky she leans over wiping the corner of my mouth, my face gets hot
"Thanks" I say, she nods

"So, why did you ask me out?" She asks after a moment of silence, I finish my slice wiping my face with a napkin
"Because you're a beautiful girl and I wanted to get to know you better after not seeing you in years" I say, she nods
"You do know we are most likely not each others mates" She says, I nod

"I know, but it's worth a shot" I say and as I stare into her eyes something inside me tells me shes my mate, shes the one. We stare into each others eyes for so long
"Do you feel that?" She whispers, I nod

"Maybe, we are mates" I say inching closer to her
"Maybe" She whispers closing her eyes and I know she wants me to kiss her, so I do. In that moment I know she is my mate, she's mine, all mines.

A/N: Awww Mason and Sarah are so cute!! I couldn't wait any longer to write this chapter I knew I would make it hella cute and lovey dovey lol

Hope yall liked it!


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