Chapter 1

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(Note:Your 3 years old)

You wandered the empty streets, kicking stones with every step. You sighed and looked to the sky. "God, will i be accepted soon?" You looked to the ground pouting. You saw 2 men walking and laughing quite loudly. You narrowed your eyebrows and walked quicker to catch up with them.

After 10 minuets of following, they stopped at a large flat. One by one, you carefully followed them up to the stairs. They opened the door to their apartment but left the door slightly open. After they went in, they went into their room and turned of the lights.

You went in the apartment and opened the room door, seeing 7 men sleeping silently (almost). You chuckled and put your school bag on the table to your left. You sat next to a red head and yawned. You shifted an fell asleep. You were really tired.

It was morning. You were alone in the room. No one was there. Funny how they didn't notice you. You heard laughter and conversations outside. You opened the door and smelt such a beautiful aroma of eggs, toast and baked beans. "Mm!" You hummed in hunger.

You walked to the dining table to the 7 boys eating. You looked up and asked "Can i have some?" The boys looked down at you and after 2 seconds of silence, they scream. It startled you a bit. "What the hell? What are you doing here?" Yoongi questioned. "Kid! What the hell? You psyco how you get in here?" Jungkook asked.

You looked at them confused. You just shrugged and went back to the room to get your school back. You walked out the door and left the boys with dropped jaws. "WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HELL?! HOW DID SHE GET HERE?" Yoongi asked. "WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME?" Jungkook pondered.
You skipped to school and saw your friend June. You waved and skipped to her. "Hello June!" She replied with a cute "Hi!"

You finished class and walked back to that apartment. You knocked on the door and you heared someone yell "WHO IS IT?!" They opened the door and down to you. "What are you doing here and how did you find us?" You shurgged, not responding. "Kid get outta here. This is a dangerous place." Yoongi told you. You heard Jin yell from the living room

"JUST LET HER IN FOR GOD SAKE!" Yoongi groaned and moved aside so you can come in. You walked in and glanced at 6 boys sitting around a table. They looked at you in surprise then rolled their eyes. Jin motioned his head for you to come here. You put your bag down and sat at the end of the table.

"Why did you come here?" Jin asked coldly.

You looked at him while pouting and spoke.

"Mummy and Daddy took me to school and never came back for me. I saw two men and i follow. I came here." You didn't place your words properly.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and whispered "She was abandoned?" Taehyung shrugged and asked you "How old are you Kiddo?" You looked at him and said "Im 3 and im not Kiddo. Im (Y/N). Mummy named me that."

Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Well Kiddo, you can't stay here. You don't know us and besides, its dangerous here. We are gang-" Namjoon was cut off by Hoseok nudging his shoulder in order not to tell. "Nothing." He shook his head and looked down. You pouted and stood up. They looked up as you did so.

You waved a goodbye and walked off. You opened the door and left. They sighed in relief that the WHOLE awkward situation was over.

You jumped along the sidewalk carelessly, not stepping on the cracks
"Oh, she forgot her bag." Jungkook pointed to your bag"

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