Chapter 10

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It's was pass 7:30pm but no one was tired yet. You wanted to stay up with the boys and so you did.

Jin started playing SNSD's Gee and you love this song. You started to remember when you danced and sang along to this song back then for your mum and dad. It saddened you a little when you heard the song but you got up and started dancing anyway.

The others covered their ears and groaned. Namjoon glared at Jin and commanded "Turn that off. It's annoying!" Jin ignored him but then noticed you dancing. The other boys looked at you dance and they slowly dropped their hands and watched you while smiling.

You danced along so well and then Taehyung shouted out "HOW CUTE!" then the others laughed at Taehyung and clapped along to you dancing. Their eyes softened on you and they happily watched you. It filled their hearts with joy and happiness just by you. And only you.

They all cheered when you finished and you dropped on Jin's lap while panting. Jungkook commented on your performance saying "That was so cute!" You giggled and walked to him and pecked his lips. You sat on his lap and fell asleep.

The boys were watching a horror movie while you were asleep and ate some popcorn. Hoseok and Jimin were hiding behind a blanket, covering their whole bodies and half of their faces. They were shivering while watching.

Everyone was so consumed in the movie that when a jumpscare came, they all screamed and yelled in terror. It startled you then you woke up. Your eyes shot open then you started tearing up. Your heart was beating fast and you cried loudly. You hate being scared.

They all pulled their attention to you. It's weird. They all flicked their heads to look at you. It was strange because if you started crying, they wouldn't care. Jungkook widened his eyes and when you started crying, he pulled you closer to his chest and leaned back and forth, cradling you in his arms.

Hoseok got up and took you from Jungkook's arms and walked up and down the living room patting your back and saying "Shh. It's okay. I'm sorry." He felt your heart beating fast and he told his hyungs and maknaes "Her heart is beating too fast!" Jin took you from Hoseok and took you into their bedroom.

He laid you on the bed and took a magazine from the desk and fanned you. You looked at him and smiled. He put his hand your your chest and sighed in relief when it started beating normally again. "(Y/N), are you okay? Sorry about that." He said while you sat up. He took a piece of your hair and put it behind you ear. You shook your head and told him "It's okay Oppa. It was accident." He smiled at you and stroke your cheek.

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