Chapter 29

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Yoongi and the boys were continuing to follow the van. They travelled for about 20 minutes, some of them close to falling asleep. 

"Come on guys, stay awake. Do you wanna save (Y/N) or not?" Yoongi was itching to just face the men straight up. But he knew it wasn't going to be easy, so he just waited patiently till the time was right. As dawn started to show up, the van was driving to an area where there were hardly any people, just massive shipping boxes and builders who weren't bothered by the van. It looked like a building site next to a river. The boys hid themselves behind large shipping boxes and crates. 

They slowly peep their heads round the corner to see where the van had stopped. They spotted the same men Yoongi saw at the tent and you in their grip. Jungkook looked so worried because they looked like they were hurting you because you started wincing. They brought you over to a man who's back was facing you. 

"Mr Park, she's here." One of the men said. The tall, dark-haired man turned around at you and placed his glass of Whisky on a nearby crate. He smiled and bent down to your height. His smile faded as he looked at the red line marks on your arm from where the men held you. He stood up and looked at them. 

"You knuckleheads never listen to a word i say, do you? What's so hard about the 'not hurting her' order i gave you two?" He spoke normally as he walked over to them. The two men looked at each other and bowed.

"We're sorry. We didn't mean-" One of them was cut short by a knee in the face by Mr Park. The other one looked at him in complete terror before being punched in the face. You jumped at the actions of the man then furrowed your eyebrows at the familiarity of Mr Park's voice. 


"What happened to her?" Mr Park asked angrily.

"I don't kno-" Jungkook explained. Just before he finished, Mr Park grabbed him by the collar and shook him, yelling in his face. 

"WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!" He repeats. 

"I DON'T KNOW!" Jungkook yelled back. 

"If i find out she has been taken away from me forever, i swear, i will make you PAY!" Mr Park points at Jungkook who was crammed up against the wall. 


You gasp in shock and cover your mouth with your tiny hands. Mr Park turned around to see if you were okay. He ran over to you and spotted that you were crying. 

"No, princess, it's okay. Daddy's here." He was going to hug you but you swiftly stepped away, not wanting any contact from him whatsoever. His smile went away again and he went closer to you. 

"Come on princess, don't treat daddy like that. I'm sorry i didn't pick you up from school but I'm here now, right?" He was going to hug you again but you pushed him back with all your might. He scoffed at your action and stood up, fixing his tie. He looked down at you and grimaced. You almost fell looking up at him. He left out a big sigh and slapped you hard, making you fall onto the ground and yelp. 

The men around you went into complete shock as they saw what Mr Park had done to you. He looked at them and glared. 

"What are you looking at, crackheads?" He yelled, making you flinch. 


"Yoongi, what's going on?" Namjoon asked as Yoongi was the only one with his head round the corner. 

"He's trying to hug her...but she's refusing. That's our girl." Yoongi cheered you on from far away. "I gotta text Jin telling him and the rest that we are here." He brought his phone from his pocket and started texting. 


Hyung, how was it?

They told us enough detail. What about you guys?

We followed the van to a river-side building site somewhere outside of Seoul. I'll send you our location. Get your butts here ASAP.

Sure. On it.

Oh! And by the way-

Yoongi stopped texting as he heard a loud slap and a yelp from round the corner. They all looked round and saw you on the floor, holding your cheek, defenceless. Anger swam through his blood. He was furious that Mr Park would hit you like that, more or less he just hit a child. Yoongi couldn't stand the sight of that. 

"What the hell? That jerk!" Yoongi growled, all ready to turn the corner and face him and he men. The boys looked at him,worried. 

"Hyung, what do we do?" Taehyung asked. Yoongi looked down at his phone at a picture of you and all the boys. He thinks for a while. Then makes up his mind. He looked back at them once more, and to the ground. 

"We fight..." 

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