Chapter 28

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The boys have arrived at the apartment but noticed Yoongi wasn't around. They looked all over the place till Jin received a text from him.

(Incoming text format)


At the drinking tent round the corner. Will be back soon.

Okay. But be careful. We don't want you to cause us anymore trouble.

I wouldn't count on it...

"He's drinking. Again..." Jin informs everyone. Everyone either sighed or felt sympathy for him considering Yoongi had this experience before.

"I understand why. He'll be okay. Hoseok and I will stay in the living room to help him go to sleep. You guys can go cave in. Goodnight." Jin instructed. Everyone got ready for bed while Hoseok and Jin sat at the sofa either on their phones or on the TV.


"I will protect (Y/N) at all costs. Don't care what it takes." Yoongi slurs as he hails down another shot of Soju. He sits alone under the tent, along with other people at other tables. He notices 2 men that walked into the tent, ordering 4 bottles of Soju. Yoongi scoffed at the amount of alcohol they order. He leaves money on the table and walks out, heading back to the apartment. He stops on his tracks as he hears a yell.

"YOONGI! HELP!" He heard from an open window of a black van. He heard a man yell, making the unknown voice whine and cry harder.

"(Y/N)?' He questions to himself, walking closer to the van. He was stopped a few inches away from the open window by the men at the tent, making it hard for him to see who was inside.

"Bug off boy. None of your business." One of the men stated. They got into the car and Yoongi became worried. He recognised the voice. It was yours. Your sweet, calming voice he likes to hear everyday. It reminded him of his little sister before she was kidnapped. He whipped out his phone and texted Jin quickly, as this as an emergency.


Hyung! I need your help.

Yoongi! Your okay. You didn't cause any trouble did you?

Now isn't the time. Please can you, Hoseok and Jimin run down to the hospital to (Y/N)'s ward,and ask the nurses and doctors if they have seen her leave with men in black suits. Tell the rest to meet me downstairs at the entrance.

Yoongi, what's going on?

I think (Y/N)'s been kidnapped...


Jin woke everyone up and told them what had happened. They followed Yoongi's plan. Hoseok, Jin and Jimin ran to the hospital while Yoongi, Jungkook, Namjoon and Taehyung followed Yoongi to the black van. They hid round a corner to avoid themselves from being seen.

"I'm sure it was her voice. I heard it." Yoongi whispered, keeping his eyes on the van.

"Yoongi, with your drunk state, you can hear anything." Namjoon doubted. Yoongi turned around to him and glared.

"I'm not that drunk, I'm fine but I'm sure it was her. She had that sweet tone in her voice even when she yelled. I'm not taking any protests. If you don't believe me, then you can go." Yoongi's voice becoming more and more dense, relating to the situation. "The van's leaving. Follow me carefully and try not to be seen. All cars have side mirrors so try not to get caught up on those. Stay as far from the mirror as well as their sight. We can split up or stay together. What will it be?" Everyone looked at each other with frightened faces.

"Stay together." They all said in unison. Yoongi shook his head and quickly followed the van as it drives away.


"Excuse me miss. Did you happen to notice a small girl that goes by the name (Y/N) at room 14 leave with men in black suits?" Hoseok asks a nurse over at her desk. He face became frightened as she replied. 

"I-i did. They we dragging her out the room, their hands on her arm. She was wincing in pain. The staff tried to stop them and i attempted to call the police but they pushed past everyone and slit a knife across my arm." she replied, showing the boys her bandaged arm. They boys looked at each other and horror. 

"So it was her." Jin whispers quietly. He looked back at the nurse and turned around to see the rest of the injured staff. "I'm glad your okay." Jin gives the nurse a warm smile before they leave. They were beginning to exit before the nurse calls them. 

"Hey. Your part of the Gangster Group BTS...right?" The women asks softly, fearing they might hurt her again. The boys nod in sync. "For gangsters, you guys seem to care a lot for her. You don't seem to be as intimidating as people think you are." She compliments them. They smile and look at each other. 

"Thank you. We are trying to reform. We don't wanna be known as gangsters anymore. Thanks a million for your help." Jimin says as the boys smile and walk away. 

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