Chapter 31

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"Grab her as fast as possible. Wait for my call." He whispers. The footsteps slowly become louder and louder until Mr Park is visible to the boys.


Yoongi steps out from the shadows and hits Mr Park hard around the head. Mr Park groans and falls onto one knee in pain. 

"OW! What the hell is your problem?" Mr Park yells. Jungkook quickly takes you away from Mr Park's grasp. Although, Mr Park has his grip on the hospital band on your wrist. You wince in pain as the band scratches the inside of your wrist. Jungkook looks back and then to Yoongi. 

"Hyung, bit of help." Jungkook pleads. Yoongi takes the pipe again and hits Mr Park's wrist, causing him to lose grip on your band and send the boys running. 

Mr Park stumbles onto his feet, yelling and holding his wrists. 

"Those damn gangsters." Mr Park whispers. He lets out a heavy sigh before turning to the two piles of his men, making him scoff. "So that's where they went..." He laughs as he makes his way over to one pile of men, reaching into the back of one of his men, getting a hold of the gun they had. He loaded them and starts walking over to the direction you guys ran off to. "Two can play that game..."


Yoongi and the boys ran off with you in Jungkook's arms, only to be stopped by some other men. Yoongi and Namjoon grip their pipes and start making a way for Jungkook and Taehyung to run. After beating all the men down, they ran off, being greeted my Jin, Jimin and Hoseok. 

"Surprise." Jin laughs. The boys chuckled as they hopped onto the motorcycles. Hoseok and Jin on one, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin on another and Jungkook, you and Yoongi on the other. As Yoongi was helping you on the motorcycle, they heard gun shots. Mr Park came walking over the dead men, pointing his gun at them. Yoongi put you on the motorcycle quickly and grabbed the pipe. 

"Yoongi! What are you doing? Get your ass on here and let's go!" Jungkook yells. Yoongi shook his head. 

"If we leave now, there can be chances of him shooting us. I'll hold him down for a bit. Jungkook and (Y/N), meet me just round the corner. The rest of you, leave." Yoongi instructed. The boys looked at each other, worriedly. 

"But-" Jungkook protests.

"GO!" Yoongi yells, in both anger and fear. The boys start their engines and leave, with Jungkook and (Y/N) around the far corner. Yoongi stares deadly into Mr Park's eyes. Mr Park stands there, chuckling. 

"Yoongi, come on, just give her up. Give her to me." Mr Parks insists. Yoongi's eyes widen, shocked that he knows his name. 

"Don't you dare call me by my name you sick bastard. I'm never giving her up to someone like you. How do you even know who i am?" Yoongi growls, making Mr Park laugh harder. 

"Son, me and your father worked together. He offered your sister for a very reasonable price. I took it. She was a gorgeous little girl. She was gorgeous until she decided to try and leave our Manor. We didn't let that happen." Mr Park explains with a smirk. Yoongi's eyes tear up and his blood boils. 

Yoongi comes running up towards Mr Park, swiftly hitting away the bullets being shot at him. Mr Park and Yoongi fight. Yoongi coming in left, right and centre while Mr Park shoots aimlessly at him, missing him everytime. Yoongi stops the pipe at his neck and Mr Park aims the gun on his stomach. They glare at each other intensely.

"How dare you try and take the one thing important away from me." Mr Park shouts. Yoongi rolls his eyes and scoffs. 

"If she was important to you then why didn't you pick her up from school that day? You stupid men only care about the amount of money you make. You people belong in hell!" Yoongi yells back. He can sense that Mr Park was ready to shoot so he moves swiftly away from the gun and bats Mr Park right on the back, then hits the back on his knee, making him fall. Yoongi throws the pipe at Mr Park, hitting his head, and runs off to Jungkook. 

"Hey. Are you okay?"Jungkook asks as Yoongi climbs onto the bike, with you being sandwich between them. Yoongi nods and tells Jungkook to go. 

They were close to leaving the area, Yoongi finally relieved that he managed to save you from that sicko. 

"Hey Hyung, how'd you do it?" Jungkook asks, as they almost round the corner. 

"Well I-"


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