~ One ~

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If mornings were meant to be the calm before the storm, then this one was the calmest morning of them all. The storm was brewing just on the horizon and it came with all the trimmings, being ready for it was completely out of the question. Handling it would come with its own set of problems.


"Cass! Get your lazy behind out of bed!"

Emy's awake, I thought to myself with a smile, I laid in bed listening to her trudging up the stairs. Why she felt the need to shout on her way up though I would never know.

"I'm up!" I shouted back the second she opened my bedroom door.

"You need to be dressed too!" She stated, looking around for clothes she knew would be in the wardrobe. "Why can't you get your clothes out the night before so you're ready to go on time?" She was already digging some clothes out before I had the chance to answer.

I laughed, "Because we don't all get up at the crack of dawn like you, just give me a min' to wake up." I knew she wouldn't, she was too busy laying out the clothes she thought I should wear.

Emy, Emily to everyone else, has been my best friend since forever, or as long as either of us could remember. She's about a hand shorter than me and six months younger; light brown hair and eyes, beautiful and confident, she knows what she wants and goes for it. She's also a self proclaimed fashionista, which presents a problem when she tries to help me.

"What about these?" She asked, holding out a pair of grey jeans and a purple sleeveless top I'd worn for my mum's birthday a few weeks before.

"They're too dressy for work, I'm going in my usual jeans and T-shirt, so stop fussing." I smiled and threw a pillow at her, she dodged it easily, fake scowling at me in response.

"Okay but hurry up or we're going to be late, again," she wandered off downstairs before I could tell her to stop overreacting.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, peering at myself in the mirror above the sink. My dark brown hair was in its usual state of disarray, no matter how much I tried to brush it into something resembling nice. It was down to the middle of my back and a wavy mess. It never looked amazing like Emy's neat, straight hair so as always I tied it into a ponytail and got dressed.

"Ah, so you actually did go for the very original jeans, slogan T-shirt and ponytail combo. My, you're so unpredictable," Emy teased when I got into the kitchen.

"Too early Emy, let the sun come up just a bit before you try to be witty." I knew what her reply would be as soon as the words left my mouth and I copied her when she spoke.

"It's already up and will be setting again before we get out of this house."

We both laughed at the familiar conversation. It was just another very predictable part of our days; up, dressed, breakfast, familiar back and forth and then out to work.

"Okay I'm ready, let's go, and don't forget your keys," I said as I headed for my jacket.

I heard cursing as Emy tried to remember where she had left them. "They're on top of the fireplace!" I shouted from the front door, waiting for her to grab them before I set the alarm.

"I've been waiting ages for you, hurry up or we're going to be late."

She narrowed her eyes at me when I let out a laugh, locking the door behind us.

Our house was a small building; two bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, bathroom and an attic neither of us would ever go in. We had lived together for nearly two years and we both loved it, our neighbours were mostly elderly people. With the exception of Mr Park; a middle aged man, we assumed, we didn't actually know much about him.

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