: Chapter 5 : First glimpse of Harry :

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And that was when all hell broke loose.

"YOU SENT MY ONLY CHILD TO LIVE WITH THE DURSLEYS? THEY HATED LILY AND ANYTHING TO DO WITH MAGIC!" James roared, his voice resonating throughout the remnants of the house.

"James please calm down!" said McGonagall, slightly worried.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN? You KNEW what they felt about magic--"

"James, I beg you to listen to me one last time," Dumbledore pleaded.

"Fine! But your explanation had better be good, Dumbledore!" James fumed, barely containing his anger. He knew Vernon and Petunia Dursley, and he was beyond aware about their reverent dislike for witches and wizards. They hated Lily, and hence hated him and Harry, but the feeling was mutual.

Dumbledore launched onto his explanation.

"James, I told you about Lily's blood protection. So I sent Harry to live with the only living person who shares her blood--Petunia Dursley. You see, as long as Harry could call that place home, Voldemort would not be able to touch him while he was there."

James could understand the logic in that. But he still didn't forgive the old man. His son deserved more, a better childhood, something he should have been able to provide.

He was a terrible father.

"I bet he was miserable with them," He said. The two others were silent.

James's heart sank when he realised that Dumbledore hadn't tried to deny it. At least he was there now. Harry would never have to go back there.

Dumbledore heaved an inconspicuous sigh of relief. In the daze of being alive again and having so many revelations thrust upon him, James had temporarily forgotten about the promise. He then said, "Now, I suggest we go to Hogwarts? I can arrange quarters there for you until we can sort everything out. This place is really very old."

"Very well." James said absently.

They apparated to Hogsmeade. Dumbledore then busied himself altering James's appearance. After he was done, James had light brown hair, bright blue eyes and a small beard. James huffed, preferring his older appearance much better.

They walked upto the Three Broomsticks and Dumbledore requested some floo powder from Madame Rosmerta. They then flooed to Dumbledore's office.

"I will take it from here, Minerva. You had better get back to the feast."

James was confused at first, but then he realised that it was Halloween. Dumbledore then cast a powerful disillusionment charm on James and said, "The password to my office is earwax flavoured everyflavoured beans. You may come to my office anytime. Now, let us go to your quarters."

James had to bite back a chuckle, despite everything. Dumbledore's taste for ridiculous passwords had not changed through time.

Dumbledore lead the way towards the fourth floor. He walked upto a gargoyle which stepped aside, revealing a door handle.

James was astounded. How come he and his friends had never found this place? They were the marauders!

Dumbledore lifted the charms and chuckled at James's shocked expression.

"Hogwarts will always have its secrets, James. Don't look so astonished."

Dumbledore then snapped his fingers and a tray of food appeared. He handed it to James.

"Well, I best be off. Duty calls, you know. Have some sleep. Oh, and James?"


"It's good to have you back, my boy," Dumbledore said softly. Then he walked off without a backward glance.

James smiled. He took a deep breath and opened the door. It was a beautiful room, expertly furnished with a connecting bathroom. There was a bed, a dinner table with a few chairs, a bookshelf and a large couch. He grinned wider. This would do very well.

James went to the bathroom and winced at his reflection, gazing at the red eyes and haggard face. He sighed.

He took a shower and found robes in a wardrobe nearby. Much satisfied with his appearance, he feasted on sandwiches and pumpkin juice. (The food kept multiplying)

James then collapsed onto his bed and tranfigured the couch into a table and back over and over again for half an hour, bored out of his mind. He always hated being confined to places, having restrictions put on him. This reminded him of old times.

Lily. The love of his life. He would never see her beautiful red hair again, or her almond shaped green eyes. He would never hear her tinkling laugh or see her roll her eyes at him for being stupid or irresponsible.

She was gone.

James felt moisture prick his eyes and he hastily wiped them off. He couldn't afford to dwell on that now, he had to stay strong. Then, he remembered Harry. His son was somewhere in the castle and he couldn't meet him.

That can't happen.

He would get a glimpse of his son.

James cast an invisibility charm on himself and snuck out the door. He set the password as 'The order,' and set off towards the Great Hall. After walking through the familiar hallways, he caught sight of a bunch of students swarming inside after a nice day out. Excitement exploded in the pit of his stomach as he realised that one of them could be Harry.

He scanned the crowd of kids for the familiar black hair and green eyes--the only identifying features he knew of. But countless students came and went, none Harry. Losing hope, James sighed and made to turn back after twenty minutes. Suddenly, his ears perked when he heard the voices of two kids bickering. Why? Because they had mentioned the name Harry.

He whirled around and saw that the speakers were a boy and a girl. The girl had bushy brown hair and the boy was tall with red hair and freckles.

"Don't you think Harry has been off lately, Ron?" The girl whispered.

"Give it a rest, Hermione! He's been through a lot, give him some space!" whispered the boy back heatedly

James grinned, guessing that these kids were Harry's friends. But where was he? As if on cue, Ron asked,

"Hey, where is he? Oi, Harry!" He yelled behind him.

James could hear footsteps, and he could feel his pulse quicken in anticipation. What would he look like? Would he look like him? Would he have streaks of Lily? Would he look entirely different?

A boy walked around the corner, and James's heart leapt to his throat. The boy's hair was jet black and very untidy, which stuck up at the back (exactly like his!) He had brilliant green eyes-- Lily's eyes--behind round glasses. He was of slight build, but healthy looking. And he looked so exactly like James, it was staggering, and he took an involuntary step back out of pure shock as a gasp escaped his throat.

There were only slight differences. Looking at Harry was like looking at himself, but with deliberate mistakes. James's eyes were hazel instead of those bright green, his nose was slightly longer and he had no scar on his forehead. And James was about a foot taller, and looked more mature. But aside these differences, they were remarkably similar. They had the same mouth, the same thin face, the same untidy hair that stuck up at the back, the same eyebrows. They could almost pass for twins, almost, considering that James still looked twenty one.

"Coming! Wait up!" called Harry. Harry was walking in his white shirt and trousers, with his black robes carelessly placed over his shoulder while his tie was sprawled loosely around his neck. Exactly the way James used to wear his uniform when he had been a schoolboy.

James watched the trio walk away towards the common room, chatting avidly, pleased that Harry had friends who looked out for him so much. After watching the three give the password and enter the common room, James dashed up towards the fourth floor and mumbled the password. He took the charm off and closed the door behind him.

To his immense shock and embarrassment, he saw Dumbledore sitting on his bed.

Return Of The Father (Harry Potter fanfiction) **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now