:: Chapter 17: Old rivalries ::

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James was feeling lousy.

He was fed up of being in hiding, he was fed up of being confined to either his room or at Grimmauld place. He wanted the world to know that he was alive again and was back in action. But no, Dumbledore wouldn't grant him his wish yet. He constantly pestered Albus, trying to convince him to accompany him to the ministry and reveal the truth.

"Voldemort would know about it, James." Dumbledore would say sighing. "Do you want to put yourself into unnecessary danger just yet? Why not wait until the time is right?"

But James would argue back.

"Waiting will do no good, Albus. Why delay the truth?"

But the old man would remain resolute, he would not back away from his decision and it annoyed James to no end. He was beginning to understand how it had been for Sirius. He and Sirius were remarkably alike in many aspects, and sitting flat on their behinds while others were out risking their necks was something they couldn't tolerate. Sirius has gone through this for two years, while James only a few weeks, but that didn't cease his agitation.

Nowadays, James spent most of his time at Grimmauld Place, occasionally popping up at Hogwarts to spend time with Harry. One Saturday, James was chatting with the trio when Hermione spoke about a certain woman called Umbridge.

"...she is a toad. " Hermione said in a low voice.

"Looks remarkably like one as well. " Ron snickered.

Hermione continued as though she wasn't interrupted, "She doesn't let us use magic! "

"But what's defense against the dark arts without using magic? I mean, that's the whole point!" James said confused.

"Exactly," Harry said bitterly. "She's from the ministry, senior undersecretary or something. She hates me- well, she hates all students - but she holds a special grudge against me. All because I told her the truth about Cedric. Gave me days of detention."

"What does she do?" James asked.

"Tell him Harry. He deserves to know." Hermione said softly. Deserves to know? How bad could it possibly be? James thought.

"Dad, you have to swear that you won't tell Dumbledore, or anyone else for that matter." Harry said quietly.

James began to feel wary.

"Harry, look-"

"You have to swear," Harry insisted stubbornly. James sighed. Why did he have to inherit Lily's stubbornness? Finally, fully aware of the regrettable implications, he nodded.

Harry looked relieved. He then lifted his hand. James was speechless with shock as he saw words carved onto his son's pale hand as though with a knife, I must not tell lies.

"Harry," James said slowly, trying to control his anger. "What did she do?"

Harry swallowed.

"She has this quill, and gives me lines. But when I write, it appears on my hand. Every time I write, it opens again..."

"That evil hag..." James trailed off. How dare that, that thing do this to his son?

"Harry how can you keep quiet about this? That woman is evil! You have

"Dad! Please! That's what she wants! You swore!" Harry pleaded. James sighed. He would not say anything now, but he would take care of this. She would not get away scott free.

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