:: Chapter 13 : Second year ::

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'Ready, Harry?" James asked. He then proceeded to drop the memories into the Penseive. Then, again, everyone dived into it.

They landed in Harry's bedroom and saw Harry furiously arguing with a house elf.

"So that's how you met Dobby!" James exclaimed.

Harry raised his eyebrows in confusion. "How do you know about Dobby, dad?"

"Well, Dumbledore sent him to my room once in a while to check on me."

"We were really worried when you didn't answer our letters, mate. We thought the muggles were upto something." Ron stated.

"Why would Dobby block your letters? And what does he mean by dangers at Hogwarts? As long as Dumbledore is there, nothing will happen!" Remus exclaimed.

Ofcourse, the trio didn't answer him.

"Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen?" James moaned when Dobby dropped the pudding.


"A FLYING CAR?" James and Sirius shouted together.

"I want one." Sirius said enthusiastically. Harry was pleased about the change that had come over his godfather. From what he had heard, Sirius used to be a wild, carefree prankster when he was young, the life of the party. But the double blow of the loss of his best friend and being sentenced to azkaban for a crime he didn't commit had taken a huge toll on him. But now that James Potter was back again, he was finding himself once more.

"You have a flying motorbike, Sirius." James stated.

"Not anymore," Sirius muttered. James raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything.


"The burrow hasn't changed a bit." James remarked nostalgically.

"Neither has Molly." He chuckled when the boys got a severe scolding. After all, they had taken an illegal flying car at night without telling anyone. James privately thought that it was brilliant, but he didn't mention it since he wanted to be a good role model as a father.


Diagon alley-

"He seems like a total git!" Sirius said, looking disgusted at Lockhart who was flashing his teeth in a winning smile.

"Yeah, big ego problem." James agreed.

"You have no idea." Ron said shaking his head.

"I bet he didn't do anything mentioned in his books." Remus stated confidently.


"The barrier sealed itself? But that's never happened before!" James exclaimed.

"That must have hurt." Remus said wincing.

"So you take the flying car." James said grinning, forgetting all his previous thoughts about being a responsible role model. "Definitely my son."

"Taking the car was brilliant, but crashing into that particular tree." Sirius said wincing.

"Honestly you two, you should have just owled the school!" Hermione said frowning.

"Is it me or am I sensing a mini Remus?" James said grinning making Hermione flush.

"Atleast you weren't expelled," Remus said sensibly.

"The howler was horrible though." James said.

"It was." Ron said shuddering at the memory.

"I used to get howlers every year from my dear old mum when I was at school. It arrived in the morning and would start screaming about how much of a disappointment I was to the Black family honour." Sirius said grinning.

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