:: Chapter 31: Captive ::

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Terror and pure hysteria twisted Sirius's insides as he stared at the empty, mangled street alongside Remus. He couldn't believe what had happened. The plan had backfired so drastically that it had culminated in James being taken.

"We have to get to Dumbleore at once," said Remus in a hollow voice, devoid of emotion. He absently nursed his injured hand as he stared at the spot James had been moments before.

"Right. Lets get out of this street to apparate. There's an anti apparition jinx in the area," croaked Sirius. He limped determinedly back the way they had come, his insides lurching with worry.

"You're in no fit state to carry on, Sirius," said Remus hoarsely, as he struggled to match his best friend's pace.

"Speak for yourself," retorted Sirius. Remus submitted with a sigh, and together, they dashed as fast as they could till they reached the periphery of the region of the anti apparition spell, turning on their heels and disapparating on the spot.


"I can't believe you've landed yourself a detention with Umbridge again, Harry!" moaned Hermione as herself, Ron and Harry trooped outside the castle.

"It's not like you can blame him, Hermione," snapped Ron irritably. "The woman is barking, and she's just looking for an excuse to-''

"Then why give it to her?" argued Hermione.

"Hang on," interrupted Harry as he stared at the distance. "Look at that owl--it's flying towards us! Maybe a letter from Dad?''

"But didn't he come to visit just yesterday?" said Ron. "Whatever would he want to say now?"

The three of them watched as the tiny speck in the sky gave shape of a tawny owl, with a roll of parchment attached to one of its feet. When the owl came closer and perched nearby, Harry seized the parchment and unrolled it. At first glance, he knew that it was Sirius's handwriting, and not his father's. Ron and Hermione read it over his shoulder.


Things have gone wrong. James has been taken by Death Eaters, it had been a trap, an ambush. Me and Remus won't be available for you to contact for the day. We're looking for him, but they seem to have disappeared without a trace.

Don't panic and remember to stay put. I don't have much time to write this, so I'll wrap this up. And I know that it'll be useless if I tell you not to worry. But we'll get him back.

Don't do anything stupid, and stay at Hogwarts. We'll owl you any news if we can be certain that it won't be intercepted. Will contact you soon.


Harry felt as though a dementor had made an appearance; he was stripped of every emotion except abject terror. He heard a gasp from behind him. Hermione was standing there with her hand clapped over her mouth while Ron stared at the letter in shock.

Harry had no words to explain what he was feeling at the moment.

"They've got him," said Harry at last, his voice sounding vaguely distant and as though it belonged to someone else.


"I knew there would be trouble. I'd begun thinking about it after Sirius's trial."

"Mate, we've been thinking too, but-"

"He shouldn't have gone off for that stupid mission," said Harry angrily. "He been taken! I've got to see Sirius!"

"You won't be able to get to him, will you?" said Hermione, looking frightened. "He's off searching with Remus. The letter said so-"

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