:: Chapter 23: Grimmauld Place and Gringotts ::

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The train ride back to Grimmauld Place was very uncomfortable. For some reason, Harry seemed very withdrawn from everyone else, only nodding his head or giving one word answers when asked something. Not to mention the fact that the Weasely kids kept on shooting each other furtive glances, glances which always seemed to meet Harry's still figure at some point.

"Are you alright?" James asked Harry as they walked around the unkempt patch of grass in the middle of Grimmauld Place.

"Fine," Harry said curtly before sprinting up the stairs after Molly opened the door. James turned to look at the kids, but all he got were half hearted shrugs in return.

"What was that all about?" Sirius asked, walking towards the door to welcome them.

"I dunno," James said, staring after Harry's retreating figure. He was worried as any parent would be, but he knew that he had to respect his son's privacy.

"How's Arthur?" Sirius asked as they all trooped inside.

"He's doing quite well," Molly said, hanging her coat on one of the hangers. "Still peaky, but looking healthier than he had yesterday."

"Good to know," Sirius said sighing happily.

"What did you do all day?" James asked Sirius, dropping into a couch. He hated the fact that his best friend couldnt leave the house. There were eight days left for the hearing.

"Spent a lot of time with Beaky, actually."

"Beaky?" James questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Buckbeak," Sirius replied casually. "He lives in one of the rooms upstairs, remember?"

"Oh yeah," James said remembering. "I want to see him sometime."

"I'll take you upstairs when I next feed him," Sirius promised. "After feeding him, I tried finding Kreacher."

"Any luck finding him?" Fred asked, walking into the room followed by the other kids. Though one particular teenager with black hair was missing.

"No," Sirius informed. "But I didn't want to check the attic, it's too dusty."


A few hours had passed, and Harry still hadn't made an appearance. Growing worried, James softly went upto his room and knocked on the door.

"Harry?" James asked gently.

There was a muffled sound from inside the room, and Harry's voice answered. "Yeah?"

"You okay?"


Harry did not offer anything else, so, frowning James said, "We'll be right downstairs if you need anything."


James turned and walked down the stairs again, wondering what had troubled Harry so much.

Everyone else spent the following morning putting up Christmas decorations. Sirius spent the whole time singing carols.

"Oh shut up, will you?" James said amused as he waved his wand and conjured up decorations of green and red.

"It's almost Christmas!" Sirius called back cheerfully. "It's time to be merry!"

But being merry was probably at the very bottom of Harry's list. He still hadn't showed up and had ignored Molly's calls for lunch too. James always brought him food upstairs, knowing that Harry wouldn't eat otherwise. Ofcourse, Harry wouldn't eat everything. Just a bite here and there.

At about six in the evening, James was getting ready to confront Harry about it when the doorbell rang, and provoked yells from Sirius's mother.

"Oh shut up, you miserable old hag!" Sirius said vehemently as he grabbed one end of the curtain and tried to shut them. James grabbed the other end and after two minutes, managed to shut it, silencing the screams. They then turned to see who the visitor was.

Return Of The Father (Harry Potter fanfiction) **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now