:: Chapter 28: The trial of Sirius Black ::

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"Remember, stay calm, don't fret, don't lose your temper, and everything will be okay," James prepped Sirius as he paced the floors of Grimmauld Place to provide an outlet for his own nervousness. It was the morning of Sirius's trial, and everyone was on edge. The trial would take place at ten in the morning.

"Right," said Sirius, nodding his head. He was wearing new robes, robes which James had taken up on himself to buy for him the day before.

Beside them, a copy of the Daily Prophet lay discarded on a table, splattered with news about Sirius's hearing. Sirius absently lifted the paper and read it again.


Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry has allegedly proclaimed that the notorious mass murderer Sirius Black, who was till now on the run from the ministry, is innocent. This news is also fervently supported by James Potter, who has, due to mysterious circumstances, come back from the 'dead'. The Ministry remains skeptical to this news, but has gracefully consented a full ministry hearing after listening to Albus Dumbledore's and James Potter's anxious pleads. However, the verdict will be divulged this morning. Will Sirius Black be proved innocent? Will he be found guilty and returned to Azkaban? Will he turn up for the hearing at all? Everything will be-

"Stop reading that,'' said James sharply. He took the paper away and stared at his best mate in disapproval. "That won't help boost your confidence."

"Right. Sorry."

"It doesn't matter," said James, sighing. He glanced at himself in the mirror. He had tried to make himself presentable, but as usual, his hair refused to coorperate and remained in noncompliance to his wishes, preferring to stay as a haphazard black mess on top of his head. "Is Harry here yet?"

"I'm here!" Harry called as he walked into the room. He was wearing muggle clothes like James, and James couldn't help but smile when he saw that Harry's hair was as messy as his own.

"I reckon we should go, eh?" James asked. Harry and Sirius nodded. Dumbledore had come over the night before, and told them about the plans. Harry, James, Remus and Sirius were to go to the Ministry the Muggle way, with Sirius hidden under the invisibility cloak so as to not draw attention toward himself. Ron and Hermione were asked to remain at Grimmauld Place- much to their outrage- as Dumbledore said that the lesser there were, the easier it would be. The two of them had put up a heated argument, but neither that, nor Harry's pleads on their behalf could change his mind.

Last night, James and Dumbledore had also cleared the tension between them. James had -rather grudgingly- accepted that Dumbledore wasn't completely at fault for Harry going off to live with Vernon and Petunia Dursley. He respected Dumbledore's attempts at keeping the blood protection safe, but the stubborn and protective part of him wondered if he could ever forgive him completely. Harry was the one James cared for the most now.

"Where's Remus?" Harry asked, looking around the room.

"He'll be here soo- there he is!" Remus had just come strolling into the room, adorned in new Muggle clothing.

"Ready?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be,'' Sirius said bracingly.

"Everything will be alright,'' said Hermione, sounding as though she was convincing herself more than Sirius.

"Yeah," Ron said, vigorously nodding his head.

"Sirius, you hardly ate a slice of toast,'' Molly said, smoothening Harry's clothes and trying to flatten his hair exasperatedly.

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