:: Chapter 20: The first attack ::

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A swift glance around the room showed many teenagers with their wands raised, stunned expressions marked on their faces. Well, except a certain three who were grinning at him casually.

"Hey, there," James said after recovering from his shock. He smiled his charming smile and hoped that the occupants of the room wouldn't stampede.

The teenagers still stared at him unblinking. One boy's jaw was literally hanging agape. All of them looked shocked into silence, and James was seriously starting to wonder if he should turn on his heels and go tearing off as fast as he could. After all, it's not everyday that you see a dead man walking about at Hogwarts.

Harry walked forward and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"So, you've all been asking me about this right? Well, here he is, James Potter, my dad."

One of the twins recovered first.

"Blimey mate, he- he looks just like you!"

"We've noticed," Ron said smirking.

"You knew about this?" The other twin asked Ron incredulously.

"I'm Harry's best friend you idiot! Ofcourse I did!" Ron said rolling his eyes.

"Mum will go barkers," The other twin said shaking his head.

"Oh, she knew this before I did," Ron said grinning.

"Blimey. Oh well, pleased to meet you Mr Potter, I'm Gred and this is Forge." The twin said grinning.

James burst out laughing.

"Oh, I like you two." He said. "Fred and George right? The last time I saw you, you were two! And you two are the troublemakers of this time, eh? Excellent."

"Were you a prankster?" George asked eagerly.

"'Course I was. That was all we did at school, great break from studies. Oh, the trouble we had caused Minnie." James said chuckling.

"You called McGonagall, Minnie?" A boy asked from a corner incredulously.


"Man, you have guts." The boy said. The other kids nodded, having a newfound respect for the man who looked so much like Harry. Anyone who called McGonagall Minnie and not permanently transfigured into a tea pot was someone respectable indeed.

"One of your DA classes, Harry?" James asked, shoving his hands in his pockets while his eyes wandered, drinking in his surroundings. The from had morphed into a training room, with suits of armour and cusions on the floor.


"Carry on then, I'll come back another time. See you." He said and turned to walk away.

"Mr Potter- sorry James! Could you- well help us? I mean, teach us something?" Hermione asked meekly.

James thought about it for a second and smiled. He would love some fun.

"Ofcourse," He said, extracting his wand from his pocket. "What do you want to know?"

"Well, it's probably a little early, but I was wondering if you could demonstrate dueling? A real wizards duel?"

"Sure," James answered smiling. "Who wants to duel with me?"

Nobody volunteered. Finally, Harry came forward huffing.


"I'll go easy on you." James said grinning.

Return Of The Father (Harry Potter fanfiction) **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now