:: Chapter 19: Troubling news ::

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"Of course, the poor bloke couldn't do anything!" Sirius managed to choke out in between fits of mirth. "I mean, his crystal balls kept on showing bunny rabbits!"

"Brinnely was such a fraud," Remus said shaking his head, once in a while chuckling involuntarily. "It served him right!"

"And apparently, there's this woman called Trelawney who's Harry's divination teacher. She predicts stuff and it ends up being completely wrong!" James said laughing.

"Yes, I know. Harry used to tell me that she used to find the grim in his tea cup," Remus said.

"Oh right! You were her colleague, weren't you? You know, having a wonderful teaching experience?" James asked biting his lip to keep from laughing.

"You won't let that go, will you?" Remus asked sighing.

"Nope," Sirius pointed out. "It's our solemn duty as your best friends and fellow marauders to taunt you about this until you're in your death bed!"

Remus groaned while James and Sirius winked at each other.

There was a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" James called.

The door opened and Harry entered. James smiled but then he turned serious when he saw Harry pale and sweating, his expression solemn.

"Harry? What's the matter?" He asked concerned.

Harry just stood there twiddling his thumbs. He hadn't expected Sirius and Remus to be there as well. And after all, he had come to James about a dream. He felt extremely silly, and he hated to interrupt his dad catching up with his friends. James was lounging on the bed, Sirius was sitting with his legs draped around one arm of the couch he occupied and Remus was sitting on the floor by the fireplace.

"Er...'' Harry began uncertainly.

'It's alright, Harry, you're not disturbing us.'' James said gently, sensing Harry's hesitation.

"Could I talk to you? Alone?'' Harry asked, looking apologetically at Sirius and Remus.

Sirius and Remus nodded smiling. Sirius promptly transformed to Padfoot and Remus led him out.

"I'll take him for a bit of a walk. He needs the excercise," Remus said grinning, provoking a growl from Sirius.

After they had gone, Harry sat down on the bed.

"Isn't it dangerous for Sirius to come here like this?" He asked worriedly.

"He's fed up of his house, Harry," James said sighing. "Imagine being forced to live in the place you hated and not being able to get out. Dumbledore seemed okay with it, his hearing is soon, after all."

Harry shuddered when he imagined being confined at the Dursley's.

"So, something bothered you?" James prompted.

"It's-well. I had a dream. And Ron thought that I should see you." Harry began uncertainly.

"A nightmare?''

"Not really. Dad, I get these sort of dreams often, where well- I'm sure they're real."

"Real?" James questioned.

"Yeah. I'm sure of it. They're sort of like visions, or something, and I can see things through Voldemort's mind."

James nodded slowly. This was what Dumbledore had meant.

"And, what did you see?"

"I was watching this through Voldemort's eyes, he was talking to him. To Wormtail." He said with a look of revulsion.

Return Of The Father (Harry Potter fanfiction) **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now