:: Chapter 24: Christmas! ::

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Christmas arrived quicker than they expected. James had slept in, exhausted after paying visits to several places in his quest to get everyone perfect Christmas presents. As he snored on, oblivious to the fact that Christmas had made its appearance, someone knocked loudly on the door disturbing his slumber.

"Wha-?" James mumbled, instantly reaching for his glasses and putting them on. The door opened a crack and a head stuck in.

"Dad? You awake?" Harry asked beaming.

"I am now," James said yawning. "You look so happy, oh it's Christmas!"

Harry laughed at his father's flabbergasted expression.

"Yeah," He said, dropping onto the bed. "This broomstick servicing kit is amazing! And it has my name engraved on it in silver! Thanks!"

James chuckled.

"You're welcome, Harry," He said grinning. "But there's much more in store for you."

Harry looked shocked.

"But you didn't have to-"

"Yes, I did." James said in a tone which made it apparent that the particular conversation was over. He wanted to spoil Harry, he thought to himself.

"Well, c'mon downstairs! Everyone is up!"

"Are they really?" James asked surprised. "I'll be down in a second."

Harry nodded and made to go out the door, but he stopped for a second.

"Merry Christmas!" He said somewhat sheepishly.

"Merry Christmas." James said back smiling.

After freshening up, James noticed a portrait at the foot of his bed. He picked it up and looked at it weirdly. It was... odd. He saw a small note at the bottom which indicated that it was from Dobby.

James frowned slightly as he tried to make out what it was. It had a bit of skin coloured paint blobs in a lot of places and a bit of black too. James strongly suspected that it was a portrait of himself, made by Dobby. He turned the painting in different angles to see of it would look better that way. As he craned his neck sideways awkwardly, a voice said from behind him,

"Oh, look George, Mr Potter has got the gibbon painting as well."

James turned around and saw the Weasely twins standing there by the doorway, both wearing sweaters with their initials on it and identical grins.

George came forward and inspected the painting more closely.

"Why, Fred, there aren't any black eyes for this one."

"You're right George, but this one sure looks chubby-"

"Agreed, Fred."

"Oi!" James said amused. "Watch who you're calling chubby!"

"Sorry Mr Potter-"

"Just talking about the painting-"

"Real good likeness actually-"

"Now scram!" James said laughing. Fred and George exchanged a last grin and walked downstairs. Those twins, he thought to himself. They reminded him too much of Gideon and Fabian Prewett, Molly's brothers. James had been quite fond of those hilarious though brilliant aurors, but they had been killed by death eaters when James was in his seventh year.

On closer inspection, he saw that there was a package on the foot of his bed, consisting of a light brown jumper with the letter 'J' in the front. The package also had some home made mince pies. The note attached to it told him that the gifts were from Molly and Arthur. James smiled fondly and pulled on the jumper, marvelling at how comfortable it was.

Return Of The Father (Harry Potter fanfiction) **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now