:: Chapter 25: Special trips ::

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The first thing Harry did when his feet touched the ground again after the loud crack was drop to his knees and sit still until the wave of nausea passed. James knelt down and sat beside him, looking at him sympathetically.

"The first time is always hard. I threw up during my first time, not a pretty sight for the others." He said staring off into the distance.

If Harry wasn't feeling so nauseous, he would have smiled. After a few minutes silence, he looked up and asked,

"Where are we?''

"We have to walk a bit, it's a surprise."

"I'm alright now, I think." Harry said uncertainly.

"Try getting up." James suggested.

Harry unsteadily got to his feet and James followed suit. "We just have to walk till the turning."

Harry nodded and walked beside his dad, trying to figure out what the surprise was.

"We're here!" James said after a few minutes, looking at Harry grinning. "Welcome, Harry, to Potter Manor!"

Harry stared at the huge house in astonishment, his jaw literally hanging agape. The place was a mansion, with three stories, the entire building covering a huge area. The house was painted white, and the walls were peppered with huge glass windows. The courtyard was huge, filled with mounds of snow, a very beautiful sight.

"You lived here?" Harry asked hoarsely.

"Yeah. Until I moved out and me and Lily got a place of our own at Godric's Hollow."

"This place is huge!"

"I know." James said, scratching the back of his neck. "Do you like it?"

"Like it?" Harry croaked. "More like, love it!"

James grinned and led the way in, pleased that his son loved his old home. A home filled with good memories, and he had to shake his head to bring himself back to focus as a huge wave of nostalgia threatened to overpower him.

"I came here on Christmas Eve, it turns out Maddy and Mickey kept the house running all these years."

"Maddy and Mickey?" Harry asked.

"Our house elves. They're really old now, but they kept the place running. You should have seen their faces when I turned up here that day!"

Harry chuckled.

"Let's go in, shall we?" James asked, pointing at the door handle. After receiving a nod from Harry, James enveloped his hands around the doorknob and turned, opening the door. Immediately, a small figure came bounding towards them.

"Master James has come back with little master!" The little elf squeaked in delight.

"Yes, I have. I've kept my promise Madd." James said winking. "Where's Mick?"

"He's in the kitchens, master James, Maddy shall go bring him!" The elf said and scuttled away from the room.

"Madd? Mick?'' Harry asked curiously.

"I've known them ever since I was a kid. I called them that when I was a boy and the name stuck, I s'pose," James said shrugging. "Those two are amazing."

Suddenly, Maddy the house elf came back dragging a slightly older house elf whom Harry assumed to be Mickey.

"Master James is back?" He asked, his huge eyes wide.

"Didn't I tell you that I would?" James asked smiling. "Guys, meet my son, Harry."

Maddy's eyes filled with tears.

Return Of The Father (Harry Potter fanfiction) **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now