: Chapter 6: Trip to Number twelve Grimmauld Place :

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Dumbedore looked vaguely amused.

"Enjoyed yourself, James?" He asked, his eyes twinkling.

James smiled sheepishly, running a hand through his hair. "I had to see him just once, Albus. The idea that he was right here in the castle . . ." He trailed off.

"Was too tempting, correct?"

James nodded.

"Surely you didn't talk to him?"

"No, no," James shook his head. "I was invisible, double disillusionment charm."

Dumbledore smiled. "And what do you think of him?"

James began pacing. "He's--he's absolutely wonderful! I mean--" He stopped his pacing and looked at Dumbledore, grinning widely. "Lily and I used to be sure he would grow up bearing a resemblance to me, but hell, Albus! If you don't look properly, you could almost mistake him for me! And me for him! He--he looks just like me! And Lily's eyes . . . My little boy is all grown up now!"

Dumbledore nodded, smiling at the exuberant young man.

"Harry is probably tired of hearing people telling him about how much about he resembled his father and how he has his mother's eyes. But he is truly a remarkable boy."

James beamed. "When can I really meet him? Really meet him?"

Dumbledore chuckled.

"In time, James. How do you think he will react, seeing his dead father before him?"

James sighed, knowing that Dumbledore had a valid point. If someone told him that his own parents were alive, he would attack them.

"It would be better to have Remus and Sirius with him at the time. They are the only people other than his friends whom Harry trusts with his life. I came to tell you that tomorrow, it will be time to introduce you to the present Order of the Phoenix."

Sirius and Remus would be there! He couldn't wait, but was he ready for the confrontation? Were they ready?

"Well then, there is nothing more to say. Goodnight, my boy. You have a big day tomorrow."

" Yeah, 'night."

James then got under the covers and fell asleep with a smile on his face as he thought of his boy all grown up. . .

* * *

After James had woken up and had a hearty breakfast, thinking about how nice it would be to have a copy of the Daily Prophet, he heard a sharp crack. There, in the middle of the room, stood a house elf.

He was odd, to say in the least. He was wearing three hats and about half a dozen different coloured socks. James got up from his chair and moved closer curiously.

"Who are you?" James asked.

"I am Dobby, sir! Are you master James Potter, sir?" the elf squeaked.

"Please, call me James."

James had always felt uncomfortable whenever a house elf addressed him with 'master'. The house elves at Potter manor--Maddy and Mickey-- were free elves and were given wages.

To James's alarm, the house elf broke down and his tennis ball sized eyes filled with tears.

"You are truly Harry Potter's father sir! Harry Potter has always been kind to Dobby!"

"You know Harry, Dobby?" James asked, his eyes widening. "How--?"

Dobby's eyes lit up at the mere mention of Harry. But then, faltered.

"Dobby can tell you many things, sir! But I is sent here to ask if sir needed anything?"

"No, no, I'm fine. Tell me about Harry," said James earnestly.

"Harry Potter is a great wizard, sir! He is very brave and kind! He freed me from my horrible master, sir. He has faced difficulties, but with his courage, he has overcome them, sir!"


"That will be enough, Dobby," said a new voice. James and Dobby looked up in surprise to see Dumbledore standing behind them. Dumbledore looked at Dobby kindly, "You may go back to the kitchens."

After giving a small bow to James, Dobby disappeared with a crack.

"James, it is time."

Dumbledore cast an invisibility charm on James again and they walked to his office. He passed James some floo powder and said, "James, just say, Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place."

James did as he was told and clambered out the fireplace and into an old house, brushing soot out of his robes. Dumbledore came in next. He removed the charm and said, "Wait here. I will bring Sirius and Remus."

"What is this place?"

"Grimmauld Place, Sirius's ancestral home."

This was Sirius's house?

And with that, Dumbledore walked away and closed the door.

* * *

At that moment, Sirius Black was sure that he was the most frustrated man in existence.

First of all, he was was of absolutely no use to the order. All he could do was sit at home, the Black household, and listen to various reports. He couldn't get out and be of any help as he was still a convict.

Second of all, he had to listen to Snivelly's report and pretend to be interested as the man droned on and on.

"So the Dark Lord is preparing to acquire it, so I suggest heavy measures to be implemented to avoid it. I am also obliged to be helping the order," Snape drawled, shooting a sneer in Sirius's direction. Sirius had had enough of Snape's snide comments on how he was working hard for the order while Sirius just sat on his behind all day long at home. Also, the way he said 'the Dark lord' as though he was some sort of Holy Spirit was enough to make Sirius feel like wringing Snape's neck.

Remus placed a warning hand on his shoulder. Snape was trying to provoke him into starting a fight.

Sirius sighed and with a huge attempt at reigning his tongue, went back to his pleasant fantasies of dunking his greasy head down a ministry toilet. He had to admit, the thought was very tempting.

Suddenly the door opened and Dumbledore walked in with a mysterious glint in his crystal blue eyes.

"What a pleasant surprise! We thought you wouldn't be able to make it, Albus," Arthur said looking up and smiling.

"Well, it looks like I have," Dumbledore replied, smiling back. "May I borrow Sirius and Remus for a few moments?"

Sirius and Remus looked startled, but they stood up and followed Dumbledore out of the room. What on earth would Dumbledore want with the pair of them? Dumbledore stopped in front of a room.

"Sirius, Remus, I have a surprise waiting for you. But I will have to ask you to give me your wands first."

Baffled, they brought it out of their robes and handed them over. Dumbledore then opened the door, and Sirius and Remus stepped in after the elder man, curiousity shrouding every other feeling.

Return Of The Father (Harry Potter fanfiction) **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now