:: Epilogue ::

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"I give them fifteen minutes before they scamper," murmured Remus thoughtfully.

Sirius snorted over the hustle and bustle at King's Cross station as parents made a beeline towards their kids lugging huge trunks, and drawled, "I wouldn't give them five."

"You guys are being too generous," said James with a wicked smile, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he tore his eyes away from the flurry of young faces in his attempt to find Harry, and let his gaze settle on the Dursleys instead, who were standing a few feet away, staring at their watches and looking annoyed.

James had insisted that the Dursleys not be informed about his return, and Dumbledore had relented. James wanted to have a few words with them, but only after making sure they came all the way to Kings Cross station only to find out that they weren't needed.

"ALWAYS late, I tell you!' Vernon Dursley was saying loudly to his wife, Petunia, as James, Remus and Sirius watched hidden in the crowd a few feet away. "You were too easy on him Petunia, the boy doesn't know the value of time, and especially when it concerns busy working citizens. We spoilt the boy by not taking more action-"

James balled his fists as he barely stopped himself from lunging at the man. No violence, said James to himself. Be the better man. When you meet them, be mature.

On second thought, he thought again, that probably wouldn't be possible.

"What a prick," raged Sirius, his eyes blazing. "I'm going to strangle him after you are done with him, James."

"How would you even do it?" questioned Remus mildly. "I don't see any neck on him for you to strangle in the first place."

Vernon Dursely continued ranting to his family, all three of them oblivious to James, Sirius and Remus standing just a few feet away, noting their words and observing them with a mixture of rage, disgust and incredulity.

As if that weren't enough, parents kept looking at James and Sirius with terrified expressions, quickly ushering their children away in the opposite direction.

"You'd think that the people would have gotten over this by now," sighed Sirius. ''I'm half debating transforming into Padfoot."

"Well, an ex-mass murderer and a previously dead man is enough to make them apprehensive," said Remus. "You can't hide forever, Sirius. It will take a while for all of this to tide over."

"Look Molly, there's James! And it looks like Sirius and Remus have come as well." called a pleasant voice from behind them. They spun around and grinned when they saw Arthur and Molly Weasley walking towards them. "Picking Harry up the old fashioned way, James?"

"Yes, Arthur," replied James returning the smile. "I've always wanted to, and now I have the chance."

"I wonder what's taking them so long," murmured Molly Weasely, peering at the onslaught of pupils. "It's about time."

James agreed, though this was the first time he had come to pick up his son from school. He hadn't been there for the past four years, but he will for the next two.

"Finally," grinned Sirius. James followed his gaze and beamed, seeing Harry, Ron and Hermione walking towards them lugging their trunks.

"Harry!" said James warmly, pulling his son into a hug. "Hello, Ron and Hermione. What took you guys so long?"

"Luna's stuff vanished for some reason," explained Harry, allowing James to take his trunk. "We were trying to help her hunt them down, but she got it by herself in the end."

"Well, at least she got it back," said James.

"Bye, Harry!" said Ron. "I'll come visit you this summer!"

Return Of The Father (Harry Potter fanfiction) **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now