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Sarina's POV:

I sighed while finishing my chart notes for this day.

I looked around and considered myself lucky that I manage to stumble upon this job as a trainee nurse for a high-end Nursing Home.

Things were looking up.

Then a loud crashing noise and curses coming from one of the patient rooms suddenly made me think otherwise.

"He is at it again!" one of the co-workers grimaced as another nurse appeared looking pale and shaky after leaving Room 2B."That old man Henry is certainly one of the most difficult patients in this Nursing Home for the Aged."

"Henry? you mean the foreigner who moved here from another Home not more than a month ago?"I read his chart and it says he is from a place called Illyria, a small country in Europe.

"His manners are deplorable. He gets angry easily and he thinks we are just trying to kill his appetite with all these pills we give him." huffed the co-worker." The trainee nurses assigned to him either cry or they even quit."

"........They quit?"

"Yes. Because of the stress and because of him."

That made me take the tray from the shaking nurse and asked her to sit down for a while.

"I am new around here and I have not met him. Let me take this medicine to him."

"Sarina, you are sure? Henry can be a mean one."

"I am sure he is just lonely...."

Making my way to the room, I made sure to knock for a while then entered.

The B-rooms are one of the suite rooms reserved for the wealthy patients so I was not surprised to see an HD flat screen, wide tables, comfy furniture, a mini kitchen, and bathroom.

I had taken a few steps inside and before I could introduce myself. A pillow went flying and hit my legs.

Masking my surprise, I stole a look at the old man sitting on the wheelchair beside the bed, The nurses called him "Demonic Old Man" but what I saw was a tired man whose blonde hair was almost silver, angles and wrinkles added character to his aging face but what held me was the hate and mute longing in his gray eyes as his gaze narrowed at the tray of medications.

"I told you I do not need medicine! I just want to live my life alone. I just want to die in peace!" he said in a surprisingly deep voice for one who was old but it ended in a wheeze as he inhaled and exhaled.

"Hello sir, I am Nurse Sarina, I'll be taking Nurse Joy's responsibility for a while since she is indisposed." I smiled as if he had not interfered.

"Did you not hear me?! I don't need your damnable medications!" Henry said in an odd accented English as he threw another pillow at me, which missed and hit the wall behind me.

"Then maybe you should not have stayed in a Nursing Home sir, It is a nurse's job to make sure our clients live a healthy and relaxed life in their remaining years here. If you had wanted not to live then maybe you should think of leaving." I advised curtly.

A stunned silence punctured the air.

I blinked and caught myself. This bad habit of speaking my mind always lands me in trouble very often.

"................." Henry looked shocked that a nurse should say something like this to him."I will have you dismissed for such talk." despite his threat, he does not seem as angry as before.

"It is but the truth. Don't you have something to live for? Taking your anger on others will resort to nothing good." I countered gently.

Frowning and refusing to back down. My scolding made him quiet.

The old man isn't angry anymore at least that was good news.

"Something to live for? No. I am an old man who has nothing to live for." he looked hurt and desolate as he uttered those words."I have nothing ."

"You should not say so, Sir Henry. " I shook my head and walked towards him with the tray. "Everyone has something to live for. I can be someone you can confide your problems to. I can help you find that something in which you can live."

Henry looked at me like he was striving to see through my soul.

That was when I noticed that his eyes were not gray but silver, with glints of blue flecks. They were very striking and unnerving.

"...Humph! Don't get cocky, young lady. You can't handle this old man." He said arrogantly.

"Well maybe. But the least I can do is to try right? Now maybe you'd be inclined to take these medications if I get some drink that will mask the taste."

"That would not help but feel free to waste your time." He frowned before muttering."I have some guava juice in the fridge."

After a few minutes, I had him drinking his medication but he cursed in French, German and even in Mandarin after that.

"There now go away." He slammed the medication cup on the tray and glared at me like a petulant child.

I looked at him speculatively and nodded, trying not to smile while taking my leave.

My fellow nurses were surprised when I got to the Nurse's Station unscathed. The superior was glad Henry took his medicine and gave me a thumbs up.

Oh yes, thing were looking up for me indeed.


The Next Day, I got a call from the Nursing Home's day shift head nurse.

Being awoken by the constant beeping of my cell phone. I had no choice but to pick it up. I was surprised that it was the day shift advisor nurse calling me.

"Ms. Larusso! I am sorry to disturb you on your day off but Mr. Henry R. Wellington is demanding that you feed him his medicine. He is getting worse by the minute." The advisor said frantically, a few loud crashing noises were heard in the background." I know that you are off duty but he wants no one but you."

"But why can't you Uhm... yes but.....he has enough power for even that?!"I gaped then sighed." I'll stop by then only to give his medicine."

I hung up and groaned. While talking with the advisor nurse, I managed to get some coffee and was sipping it by the small patio.

I was preparing to spend some time with my cousin today.

That will not happen NOW.

"Maybe I should NOT have spoken my mind," I muttered as I finished my coffee and went to get dressed.

The Prince's Duchess { Illyria Series 1 } - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now