Chapter 17: Tonight

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Sarina's POV:

"How is it?" I asked him after he took a few spoonfuls of my beef stew.

Leone's eyes brighten as he licked the spoon clean. He gave me a thumbs-up as I stirred the pot filled with my Filipino style Beef Stew.

"You did not lie when you said you could whip up a stew in just an hour and 30 minutes." He deposited the spoon and bowl he had in the sink and put his arms around me.

" Well this version saves it is handy to have a pressure cooker in the kitchen." I blushed as he nuzzled my ear and the heat from his body came off in waves making me fit my small frame further into his body.

The weather was already too cold for my taste and it was Fall here, how much colder could it get?

He must have noticed because he suddenly left me to crank up the heater thermostat button in the wall.

"Thanks." I finished adding potatoes and told him to shower so that he would be fresh when he is ready to eat.

He left reluctantly but not before pressing a kiss on my forehead. I smiled as he went upstairs.

Leone actually went with me to the town grocery mart for our food. He told me that he had never shopped for his own food before and somehow the little trip turned enjoyable because he became interested in how I pick various foodstuffs like the right veggies or meat.

Most of the townspeople recognized us but somehow instead of mobbing us or whipping out their camera and cellphones, they actually stopped to greet us and politely watched us as we went about our business.

It was a very odd yet good memory. The people seem to have a very deep level of respect for their prince.

It made me wonder about Leone who seems to enjoy mingling with them, the genuine warmth he has for them was not forced. He loves his people and somehow that made my opinion of him soar.

I sighed softly as the days of my departure draws near. I agreed to take our relationship as lovers to the next level and I know I am ready.

But you aren't you leaving after this? Aren't you guilty? A voice inside me reasoned.

It isn't as if he asked me to stay forever, he may just miss my company since we were dreaming of each other for more than a year.

I nodded at myself. Leone is a prince and his affair with me should be approached with the possibility that it might end someday.

But somehow that realization left me rather sad and heavy-hearted.


After I finished the stew and made a few side dishes to complement the meal, I smelled myself and my nose wrinkled at the strong aroma of onions and garlic.

"It has been half an hour...I can get in a quick shower and ask him to just set the table?" I muttered as I made my way up to his room.

The memory of his insistence that we share his room made my heart race. When I asked why he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Because Cat doesn't like someone else in her room plus it's locked, the remaining 2 bedrooms belong to my male cousins and I will not tolerate you sleeping in another man's room. Therefore, you sleep in my bedroom."

His voice was possessive, so proprietary but somehow it was as if he was stating an obvious fact.

That I belong to him.

"Leone?..." I knocked before opening the door when he answered."dinner is read-"

I nearly swallowed my tongue at the sight that greeted me.

The Prince's Duchess { Illyria Series 1 } - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now