Chapter 18: A Prince's Warmth

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Sarina's POV:

I woke up feeling happier than I normally would.

I wonder why?

At first, I could not move. Strange...

Wriggling a bit, I felt something. A heavy leg over my thighs, an arm around my waist and it was keeping me against a hard body that seems so huge and muscled.

A moment of panic entered my body as my eyes popped open and I looked behind me to see who had me in such a firm grip.

The sunlight filtered against the trees near the window, creating a halo around the pale blonde strands of Leone, who was sleeping peacefully. His lashes unfairly full long were like small threads of gold against the stark contrast of his coppery skin.

My panic suddenly vanished and my stiff body relaxed as I wiggled a bit to change position to take a closer look at him, something I have never done despite the nights he slept by my side.

He was not really what I usually look for in a guy. My previous boyfriends were all of average height, fair-skinned and of lean built.

 But as for him....

He was so overwhelmingly striking and so beautiful, When I first saw him; my heart pounded at how such a European prince could look so exotic. My mind imagined a tall, pasty-skinned royalty with pale eyes and a haughty overbearing attitude not a tall, dark-skinned prince with pale blonde locks, leonine eyes, and a body made to pleasure a female.

And yet as fate would have it. He chose me. ME. A simple girl whose only gift was ample hips, fleshy limbs, and big breasts.

My body throbbed with every move I made as my thighs and back suddenly
pulsed with a dull pain, making me remember the night before which brought a fierce blush on my cheeks because of the wild, sexual things he did to me.

As I stared at him more, my hand crept to his face which had slight bristles that tickled my palm as I felt him shift and his arm suddenly pulled me towards him slowly.

I gasped when our bodies became glued together and my nose bumped against his lips.

The warmth of him somehow made me want to burrow into his arms more, I have never felt so loved and he said last night that he loved my rounded body and even seem to enjoy my reactions to his kisses.

Memories of my sad love life momentarily entered my head. I remembered my first love as a little kid when I was chubby. My first crush called me a "fat hippo" and I was devastated and hurt. I tried to lose weight during highschool and succeeded but my weight remained stagnant even though I lessened my food intake and exercised more until my doctor advised that I just maintain my current weight. I was a bit smaller compared to my old self but men often prefer skinny girls while I was stuck with big boobs and curved hips.

I got my first boyfriend in College despite not being a thin girl, he was friendly and caring at first; until I noticed that he seems to be focused on my chest and legs at times while touching me in places where I felt uncomfortable. Then pressure almost got to me when he tried to take me to a motel after we celebrated Christmas just after a month of dating.

I remembered asking for more time because he was scaring me with the way he was stripping me with his gaze. He told me that my body was voluptuous and made him so hard he could fuck a wall, he got angry at my refusal and gave me a choice.

Either I give myself to him or it was over between us.

I was once again heartbroken but I tried to be strong as I ended our relationship and ran as fast as I can away from him.

The Prince's Duchess { Illyria Series 1 } - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now