Chapter 7: Invitation

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Sarina POV:

I sighed to myself as I chopped some garlic and onions in the suite's mini-kitchen while a small pot of spaghetti pasta boiled on the stove.

About a month passed since I found out about my sudden inheritance and I still feel like it was not real.

After throwing up, I found my cousin shouting at Luis, who was enduring her lectures with strained patience.

Somehow, I managed to calm Seymone down and Luis eventually told her about Henry's will.

Even she was floored and became so quiet that I worried for her.

Fast-forwarding to the present, I sliced up mushrooms and opened cans of tomato paste, and made sure the ground beef is ready for cooking.

I found cooking for my cousin a small part of me that has not changed. Something that I stubbornly held on to.

Because try as I might, our lives are changing so fast.

A news report from the kitchen flat screen tv flashed and I sighed as I heard the familiar scoop headlines coming from the reporter.

"From Nurse to Duchess", "a Pinay Cinderalla Story" or "First Filipina Duchess in History"

Those words somehow made me feel uncomfortable.

Thanks to Luis' help, I managed to avoid interview offers from even the top news stations for several weeks now. He acted as my spokesperson and took the brunt of the media's questions to ease their curiosity.

I am seeing him now on the TV screen, answering questions that were harmless but staving off those that might hurt my reputation.

"He did say he will be coming here to discuss another matter of importance. Sey is late but I guess trying to leave when she is also being questioned by her classmates and professors will do that."

As I drained the pasta and started making the sauce, my mind drifted to someone else I missed.

My dream stranger.

Sadness and a mix of emptiness warred inside me. It has been months since I last met him in my dreams. But after my operation; he ceases to exist.

I remembered his voice and his touch vaguely but I cannot seem to recall anything else. It was as if my connection to him was dwindling.

It caused a wave of panic within me. This sense of loss was familiar and I realized why.

I miss him.

"He promised to find me. Where is he now?" I said to myself as I finished the pasta sauce and tasted it.

After making sure it was seasoned well. I quickly heated up some bread with garlic butter on the oven toaster.

I then took off my apron and proceeded to take a quick bath so that I will appear presentable when the company arrives.


Seymone and Luis both arrived at the same time and were now seated at the table as I started bringing in the food.

"Are you sure you don't need my help?" her cousin asked.

"I have been locked in here for months Sey, at least let me serve you dinner." I smiled as I set a plate of spaghetti in front of them.

"I have never had my employer cook for me, It is a new experience."Luis smelled the fragrant tomato sauce. "This smells good."

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