Chapter 54: Now and Always

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Sarina's POV:

After that encounter with Kassim, I had two more dreams and I wish I could unsee them for it broke my heart and it made me feel horrible.

The first was Safirah being led out of her locked chambers and dragged to a room where three rough men strapped her to a table where she tried to fight back when she saw a man in a lab coat with a sharp needle in her trembling hand.

The screams and her thrashing was not the most scary thing about the dream but it was the look of fear and her tears as she begged them not to do this to her in her thick accented English.

One of the men who was restraining her got irritated and slapped her hard. I felt a sting in my cheek like it happened to me too as she was stunned enough for the man in the lab coat to stick her with needle as she screamed when the man extracted more blood from her for almost 25 minutes.

I remember walking up, screaming and Leone had to calm me down with his "gift" because I was badly shaken and weak, my stomach was in knots and somehow I realized one thing.

Except for this dream. All my other dreams were not that violent but these set of dreams was even more disturbing and physical because the poor girl was being hurt even as I speak.

The second dream did not fare any better, In fact it was even worse. I saw Safirah being beaten because she kept asking for her brother. Although I still do not like Kassim; the desperate way she uttered his name between the shadowed figure's blows made me run for the toilet and puke all my dinner and the rising bile and acid just made me sicker.

One thing was stuck on my mind even before Leone crouched by my side and stroked my trembling back, his words giving me strength.

Someone please kill them...Please.


For the next following days, I was moved to a safe house somewhere in one of the unnamed Danati islands while my lover planned on how to rescue the princess. As I relayed detailed information (even that one time I dreamed of a town market) to Leone about the dreams to help him get her back, he took it in silent nods but I could feel someone bubbling from our shared connection; it felt dark and ominous which is something he was trying hard to control.

Then I understood that it was the desire to kill those that harmed Safirah and indirectly causing me to suffer because of my connection to her via the visions.

He was feeling my own inner urges as well. I hated witnessing the abuse on the poor girl even in my dreams and somehow for the past days since having them; I felt battered mentally and I have lost my appetite recently because somehow I can feel Safirah's pain and even though I could do nothing; I felt the mental agony she was going through even though I was awake.

Oddly K.C was pulled out for a top-secret mission by Luis after I was moved to the secret location. Amir became my main bodyguard along with Shin, who always had a gun and a wicked-looking katana strapped to his waist like a modern samurai while he guards me 24/7.

The location was beautiful. It was one of the small uninhabited islands surrounding the mainlands of Danati and the best place to hide me since only a few people know my secret.

and my abilities which could be used for all the wrong reasons....

"Amir, I need air." I said one day as I finished eating. Shin was doing a perimeter check so the burly Danati agent was guarding me.

"Where do you want to go?" he asked me gruffly.

"Just the seaside. It is not that far from the safe house and...we can walk near the rocks in case we need a cover in an event of an attack." I reasoned out.

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