Chapter 28: Twins

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Sarina's POV:

I drank my favorite green tea frappe from Starbucks as I waited with KC on the results that Luis had authenticated.

It had been almost 2 weeks now since my visit with Kiel and I have been nervous even though every piece of evidence I have gathered pointed to Luca Larusso being my father.

Something was still bothering me.

It must be that dream I had yesterday and somehow I could not help but wonder about it.


I was running through the Palace's hallway until I stopped in front of a door. Curious at why I can't seem to move away from it; I went through it and saw a flight of stairs.

Climbing the stairs slowly, I came upon a room and I opened it.

What greeted me was a woman shrouded by darkness, her belly was already showing signs of being pregnant, lying by a wooden bed.

Her once long black hair was chopped off and she was dressed in a dirty one-piece dress the color of mud. Bruises and cuts marred her arms and legs.

I gasped with horror at what I saw and then a slight glimmer by her leg made me look from another angle.

My hand went to my mouth when I saw that her legs were chained and it was nailed to a post by the base of the bed.

Judging from how she was trembling and crying softly, It was so obvious that she was beaten and imprisoned in this place.

"Jo....." Eva's sobs echoed throughout the room as she held a hand to her stomach protectively.

Just then someone opened the door, I was shocked when a younger Henry and a few others went through me and knelt down in front of the bed, he quickly pulled out a key and unchained her legs.

"W-What are you doi-" Eva's words were interrupted when he suddenly lifted her up.

"Eva. We must move now, Father wants you dead." he said as he motioned one of his men to hold the door open for him as he left the room. "He sent Joram away on a diplomat trip after torturing him for three days after his refusal to renounce his decision to marry you."

I quickly followed to see where they were going.

Somehow I managed to track them by the Palace Gates which was open. A black car with its engine on was waiting for them and Henry had his men open the door.

"No, please don't let me leave without seeing Joram Henry please!" Eva pleaded. "Please, I have to tell him something!"

But I saw Charles force Eva into the car, shaking his head.

"I am sorry Eva but I would rather face Joram's wrath than let you die. Please understand, please live and go back to the Philippines."

I watched with a broken heart when Eva cried but she nodded and thanked Henry before he instructed his men to take her to the airport where his private jet will ensure her safety.

I saw the woman stare one last time at the Palace with sad eyes, It felt my heartbreak for her somehow and I felt myself tearing up as she called out her lover's name.

My dream faded just as the car silently drove off into the night.


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