Chapter 20 Part 2: She is Mine

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Leo's POV:

Her hands were clammy and damp from being anxious and although she kept a smile in place, I could see flickers of unease in her gray eyes as the crowd continued to glance or gossip about us.

However, I also feel her stubbornness to never be cowed by the pressure from the crowd as she smiled and kept her pace graceful but not too fast.

She was trying very hard for me and that just made me fall for her even more. However, our path did not remain unobstructed for long because the curiosity of the other people could not be curbed. A few men and some young ladies greeted us and curtsied while the men nodded to me before launching their questions. As the prince, I have to provide an answer to them politely.

"Would you mind introducing her to us Your Highness?" one young lady in a pink dress asked with curiosity.

"Allow me to introduce my partner and the Heir of my Late Uncle Henry, Duke of Ladon.  This is Sarina Larusso, the current Duchess of Ladon." I said in a clear voice. "She has come all way from her island home to pay her respects to my Uncle at the funeral. Please be kind to her."

The Illyrian ladies and men bowed to her respectfully upon hearing my words but I notice the foreign delegates and guests were reserved in their bows but not with the prejudice in some of their gazes. It was to be expected as they are not tied down to the roots and traditions cultivated between the elites, royals, and the masses.

But the barely unmasked animosity I could feel from them especially from the ladies surprised me even more. I would have to keep an eye out for my duchess in case one of them tries to make her feel unwelcome.

As the warm greetings from the men and women ended, Sarina's polite smile turned warmer and I could feel a few men and women becoming enthralled with her sweet smile.

"Please excuse us ladies and gents but we have to go. Enjoy my sister's gala and please support her cause." I smiled as I gently steered Sarina away from the crowd who respectfully disperse once they left.

"They were so friendly. It was surprising Leone. I thought they might not welcome me but I guess I was wrong." Sarina told me in a relieved voice.

"They were Illyrian born which was why they wanted to welcome you warmly duchess. My uncle has invested in a venture or two involving some of their families. Your decision to continue doing business with them may also be a big reason why they wanted to meet you." I whispered to her. " but be careful, there are also foreign delegates who are not bound by our laws and they will say things that will hurt."

Her gaze turned apprehensive but she nodded and smiled bravely.

"I will try to steer clear out of trouble and thanks for telling me these things in advance." her voice was soft but strong which only raised the protective instincts on me.

A shout from a familiar voice made me straighten up as Charles greeted us, My sister was right behind him and invited us to seat at her table which was welcoming considering in case someone calls me away from my duchess' side; my sister and best friend can help shield her from any ambushes or unpleasant people.

"News is spreading about you and Sarina being an item are rolling in. Many are curious about her and..." Charles cleared his throat as they sat down and he continued in a whisper to my ear. " whether how long before you tire of her. The top bet was only a week since she isn't your usual type."

I looked at Sarina who was pulled into an animated talk with my sister about her next project and where will it happen, she did not notice my gaze lingering on her before I looked back at my best friend.

The Prince's Duchess { Illyria Series 1 } - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now