Chapter 26: Telling the truth

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Sarina's POV:

I felt.....energized these past few days.

As I flipped a pancake over and finished the last stack I was going to prepare for my cousin, I cannot help but think that it might be because...

Leone has been visiting me in my dreams ever since that day...

It felt so nostalgic and yet I feel the hole in my heart vanished the moment I see him after I fall asleep.

In our shared dreams, He was always gentle yet assertive in making sure my mind is filled with nothing but him.

At times, we would talk about our day and how I am progressing with my investigation but most of the time his hungry gaze and eager touch would result in us cuddling, petting, and then having sex.


His husky voice was like melted chocolate, his touch would often make me blush and leave me breathless because it seems that no matter how much we make love; he seems to want more.

Much more.

"Dammit, are killing me. You better come back soon. This is not enough.....I want the real you in my arms."

" idiot..." A hot blush bloomed as I finished preparing breakfast and Sey's lunch bag. the very least, he does seem to genuinely miss me and that made me feel motivated to return to him one of these days.

My inner musings were interrupted when Sey came down and as usual, I smiled as we talked as we normally do. It was a nice feeling and as I saw her off out the door, guilt made me frown as I started cleaning up.

Keeping the real reason why I came back from my beloved cousin is uncomfortable and oddly it is eating at me.

Maybe I should tell her. She is not a child anymore, she could understand, right?

A distant memory of Sey as a younger girl emerged, her tearstained face and pain-filled eyes were the first things that I could relate to for I had also experienced similarly losing my parents.

She was a hard nut to crack when I agreed to take care of her and all of my efforts to make her feel safe and loved bore fruit. I never imagined I would love her like a sister but I do and keeping a big secret from her might hurt her again.

This is so hard....why is it so hard?


It was afternoon when I received an unknown call from my new phone.


My body became warmer when I heard his voice.

"Morning duchess."

"Leone. G-Good morning.."

"It is actually afternoon here but okay." His voice was amused and then it changed to the same voice he uses during sex. "Everything going according to your plan?"

" Yes. I'm going to my brother today, I asked Luis to go to his condo to represent me and explain to him everything yesterday after he picked me up at the airport. I was still exhausted at that time to talk to Kiel so Luis asked to handle all of it. My brother is a busy man so it took some time before he had free time but he said he can talk to me today."

"I hope you find out the truth." his voice was full of hope.

"Leone, what if I could not find her? And what if the King tries to make me a princess despite us being lovers." I let my fear take over but his next words made me calm down.

The Prince's Duchess { Illyria Series 1 } - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now