Chapter 15: Stay with me

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Leo's POV:

It was another busy day at La Belle HQ but somehow as my body automatically performs the usual tasks that are second nature to me, my mind was on a different subject.

Days have passed since she agreed to be lovers.

And yet somehow I have yet to take my duchess to bed. Sarina had asked that we take it slow and allowed me to kiss her and touch her only. Yet she did not state any boundaries as to where I would put my lips so...

My mind had become more creative as my kisses explored the curve of her neck, back, and even her breasts, which made her shiver and moan whenever I sneak into her room to cuddle with her every night, torturing myself as her cries always made me rock hard and stiff.

And each time whenever she fell asleep, I would go back to my bed amidst the cold sheets, missing her warmth and her sweet scent.

I hoped for the day when I could convince her to make love, just imagining it happening made my palms flex eagerly at the moment when it would finally touch her more and show her how good it would be if she would just say yes to me.

Damn but it sucks to wait. I never waited for a girl this long but never have I taken an unwilling lover, usually, it takes only two days for me to wear down my past lovers; but somehow Sarina's​ defenses are even harder to crack.

Thinking about the sweet smile she gave me as she kissed me goodbye somehow made me sigh as I held the two tickets to the Dessert Fundraiser she and Cat were going to participate in this afternoon.

"Charles? Wanna go with me to a Fundraiser? " I asked my best friend as I pressed the intercom on my desk.

"Uhmmm....why not. Where is it?"

"12 Willow St., I'll drive." I checked my watch and was elated to see that it was the end of the day for me.

I could not wait to see her. Somehow the hours apart always seems to make me impatient to go wherever she is just to be with her.

It was not a normal reaction for me, missing her and all but...I don't care.


The dessert fundraiser was held in one of the local parks. There were bouncy castles, rides, and even a small petting zoo but in the center of the park square were rows and rows of tables where a dozen desserts were showcased in trays, plates, cupcakes tiers, and even in glass domes.

A few of the sponsors and even the head nun of the orphanage came and shook hands with me, they were surprised that I was here. When I told them that Sarina invited me to come and the head nun gave me her warmest smile.

"She's a very dear woman, she even donated a generous amount of her time so that the fundraiser would have a lot of sponsors. I had met her four days ago when she was at a cafe near the orphanage and told her of this fundraiser and she even volunteered to bake a few things herself. Such an angel. Your Uncle really chose his heir well."

My heart warmed at the nun's compliments then I stopped at what she said.

"The duchess bakes?"

"Why yes, she does. I have tasted her fruit tarts and the crowd seems to love them."

I had no idea she even bakes and then I remembered Cat's knowing smirk five days ago when she was zealously guarding the fruit tarts Sarina packed for her.

So this explains why she disappears at times even when I am in the house. She was busy baking in my kitchen and sneaking out to organize this fundraiser.

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